Search Results for: al jazeera censor

First West Coast showing of Censored Al Jazeera Film on the Israel Lobby

The leaked documentary will be shown, followed by a discussion, at the Berkeley Central Library on Monday, Feb. 4, at 6 pm. The explosive film contains footage of Israel lobby manipulation obtained by an undercover reporter. The post contains a downloadable flyer for people in the Berkeley, California area to distribute.

Parts 1 and 2 (of 4) of the censored Al Jazeera documentary on the Israel lobby in the U.S. are finally available. The documentary was never broadcast by Al Jazeera due to pressure from pro-Israel groups and individuals. It was eventually leaked to some outlets, which posted a few short clips. Now the first two parts are available to the public…

Censored Al Jazeera documentary uncovers ‘rotting foundation’ of U.S. Israel lobby

A censored documentary provides a look at a lobby that continues to defend Israel’s control of Palestinian lives, despite the many Americans turning against it… Israel, often working with U.S. groups, spies on pro-Palestinian students… Zionist lobbyists want students who support Palestinian rights to be criminally prosecuted… Facebook accounts are created by Israel lobby groups, a notorious project is exposed as being funded by major pro-Israel donors in the U.S…

‘Revealer of Inconvenient Truths’ – Julian Assange’s Impact on Palestine

Articles by Palestine chronicle, Alison Weir, Jonathan Cook, and Tucker Carlson lay out the price Julian Assange has paid for his efforts to reveal truths — not the least of which had to do with Israel’s policies toward Palestinians…

Alarm over unexploded ordnance, depleted uranium in Gaza – Day 248

Gaza pier: futile – or worse?; Questions about Gazan journalist; Americans reject arming Israel; the dangers of unexploded ordnance & depleted uranium in Gaza; US’s support for a ceasefire; Israeli prisoners, like Gazans, are malnourished; Israeli forces kill 6 Palestinians in West Bank; more on Briahna Joy Gray firing…

“Most moral army in the world” added to UN Hall of Shame for child endangerment – Day 245

Israeli bombing of Gaza surpasses that of WW2; Israel’s military added to a global list of entities that commit violations against children; surge in Israeli attacks on “safe zones”;
Israel partisans call Briahna Joy Gray “N word”, she describes Hill censorship; West Bank Israeli thuggery; more…

“The situation is apocalyptic,” as Israel bombs another UN school – Day 243

Israel bombs UN school, strips children of their clothes, pushes a million Gazans toward famine, kills civilians with drones; Israelis stage provocative Flag March; Israel targets US lawmakers with fake news; mysterious files on Netanyahu; “disinfo” Israeli company; much more…