For supporting Palestinian human rights, Rabbi Alissa Wise received ‘vitriolic hatred’ from the Jewish community: ‘death threats, sexually threatening emails, voicemails and even letters delivered to my home.’ After 20 years, she’s decided to stop her humanitarian work ‘for the sake of my children being Jewish.’ She’s now ‘decided to dedicate my life to the Jewish people.’ A leading Zionist writer says 97 percent of Jews worldwide support Zionism…
Category: Progressive Except Palestine
Pro-Israel think tank wants Progressives to adopt “Progressive Except Palestine”
In a moment when support for Israel is slipping a bit in Congress, this Israel-right-or-wrong group proposes a new category of antisemitism in hopes of persuading Progressives to alter their agenda to accommodate pro-Israel Jewish Americans. It’s called “Progressive Except Palestine.”
‘Winds are shifting’: US Congress criticise Israel in two rare letters
Support for Palestinian human rights in Congress may be on the rise at last: In 2 separate letters, House members slam range of Israel policies, and five senators call on Israel to vaccinate Palestinians.
Falk: Thomas Friedman unconditionally supports Israel, ignores Palestinian grievances
Richard Falk reports that “Progressive Except Palestine” journalist Thomas Friedman is an unapologetic Israel apologist, putting a positive spin on Israeli actions that can be spun, and simply avoiding comment on issues when it’s convenient.
The role of the Israel lobby in Jon Ossoff’s ascendance
The new US Senator from Georgia, a 33-year-old who is now the best funded Senate candidate in history, began his political career helping to defeat Georgia’s first Black woman to be elected to Congress. She had been targeted for removal by the Israel lobby (see video of her explaining the requirement for politicians to pledge loyalty to Israel)…
New Foreign Affairs Chair claims Israel’s right to ‘self-defense’ — days after it kills 14-yr-old Palestinian
Philip Weiss chastises Gregory Meeks for his assertion that Israel has a right to self-defense – and his silence about Israel’s recent killing of a teenage Palestinian boy in the West Bank… Meeks continued with a string of pro-Israel talking points, while Brian Lehrer of WNYC radio also ignored the killing….
Dear ADL: there’s no place for “No Place For Hate” in our schools
The Anti-Defamation League wants to train our children to treat all people equally and with respect. They refuse to take their own advice when it comes to Palestinians, preferring instead to silence their calls for justice and turn a blind eye to Israel’s human rights abuses. A discriminatory organization that bullies others should not be in our schools.
Greenwald details Biden appointee Neera Tanden’s outrageous actions
Glenn Greenwald details numerous problematic actions by Biden appointee Neera Tanden, including the fact that she ordered ThinkProgress journalists to stop writing critically about Israel after key donors (including AIPAC supporter Ann Lewis and long-time Clinton advisor Howard Wolfson) complained about the ‘anti-Israel’ articles…
38 billion reasons to vote for Joe Biden – If you’re Israeli
The Forward has just published an article saying that Joe Biden’s long loyalty to a foreign country is a reason to vote for him. The article is entitled “38 billion reasons to vote for Joe Biden.” The title refers to the $38 billion aid package to Israel, which works out to $7,000 per minute from American taxpayers and is approximately $23,000 per each Israeli family of four…
Ruth Bader Ginsburg… If only she had supported equal rights for everyone
Ruth Bader Ginsburg commanded immense respect, adulation, and influence. She spoke out against racism and discrimination, and has been called ‘a revolutionary.’ Some have written: ‘Even to the end of her life, she remained committed to our mantra: none are free, until all are free…’ Progressive groups are sending out emails about continuing ‘her legacy’ of ‘fighting for justice.’ Imagine the impact she could have had if she’d included Palestinians in her concerns, and spoken out against Israeli violence and apartheid, instead of remaining silent and endorsing Israel…