Tags: jewish voice for peace

As Israel-First politicians embrace Netanyahu, many people say No Thanks – Day 290

2 million Gazans squeezed into 20% of their land, as Israeli bombers & snipers keep killing; UNICEF vehicles hit by Israeli fire; peace activists arrested in Capitol; Israeli luminaries call Netanyahu an “existential threat” to Israel & US; Tlaib: “Netanyahu’s Congress speech is a celebration of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians”; Schumer says he will attend Netanyahu’s speech; Israeli gov’t heavily funding illegal Israeli outposts; 350 “experts” endorse Kamala Harris for her Israel support…

The Jewish community excommunicates Jews who support Palestinian freedom

For supporting Palestinian human rights, Rabbi Alissa Wise received ‘vitriolic hatred’ from the Jewish community: ‘death threats, sexually threatening emails, voicemails and even letters delivered to my home.’ After 20 years, she’s decided to stop her humanitarian work ‘for the sake of my children being Jewish.’ She’s now ‘decided to dedicate my life to the Jewish people.’ A leading Zionist writer says 97 percent of Jews worldwide support Zionism…

Rima Najjar: Rebecca Vilkomerson of JVP, can we talk?

Upon learning that Vilkomerson’s spouse works for an Israeli company (‘Check Point’ that has close ties to the IDF), Najjar writes: ‘I was deeply shocked because, despite everything, I trusted Rebecca and JVP to do the right thing. To me, the matter is one of personal integrity…”When I say I trusted JVP ‘despite everything’, I am referring to the agonizingly long wait we Palestinians have had to endure before JVP officially rejected Zionism, condemned Israel’s Zionist settler-colonial regime and embraced BDS”… Vilkomerson headed JVP for 10 years.

Anti-Semitism Envoy Elan Carr puts Israel (not Jews) front and center

Trump’s anti-Semitism envoy boldly equates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, & considers Israel “a central tenet” of Judaism – despite the many voices within the global Jewish community, including within Israel itself, critical of Israel. Carr demands: Every law enforcement office and every prosecutorial agency must force everybody who has even a hint of antisemitism to undergo a tolerance program.