Tags: If Not Now

The Jewish community excommunicates Jews who support Palestinian freedom

For supporting Palestinian human rights, Rabbi Alissa Wise received ‘vitriolic hatred’ from the Jewish community: ‘death threats, sexually threatening emails, voicemails and even letters delivered to my home.’ After 20 years, she’s decided to stop her humanitarian work ‘for the sake of my children being Jewish.’ She’s now ‘decided to dedicate my life to the Jewish people.’ A leading Zionist writer says 97 percent of Jews worldwide support Zionism…

AIPAC called a ‘Hate Group,’ Should Register as a Foreign Agent

The powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) tried to convince Americans that a humanitarian Congress member, Betty McCollum of Minnesota, is ‘worse than ISIS’ because of her bill to protect Palestinian children. AIPAC officials have been investigated for espionage on behalf of Israel. It has long advocated for the Israeli government…