Search Results for: israel lobby

Pro-Israel neocons abound in Washington, and they’re calling the shots

Longtime Middle East analyst Jeffrey Blankfort discusses the history of pro-Israel neoconservatives in Washington, and the influence of AIPAC and Sheldon Adelson in Middle East policy – and he’s naming names.

Weir says ADL claims against her are intended to hide Israeli crimes

As the Anti Defamation League and American Jewish Committee try to shut down activist Alison Weir’s upcoming event at Clovis Community College in Fresno CA on September 18th, she explains what it is the groups are trying to hide.

Israel-born Treasury official is at the center of U.S. policies on Iran

At the Center of U.S. Iran policies is an Israel-born Treasury official named Sigal Mandelker. The Atlantic writes that Mandelker’s ‘hand is on the lever’ of crippling economic sanctions meant to force Iran’s ‘capitulation or demise’… meanwhile the Treasury Department refuses to divulge whether Mandelker is still an Israeli citizen… Fyi: Iran has long been in Israel’s crosshairs…