Search Results for: human rights

Julian Assange exposed the crimes of powerful actors, including Israel

Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange is incarcerated in a UK prison that has been called “Britain’s Guantanamo.” His crime was exposing actions the US government, the media, the Democratic–Clinton machine, Israel, and others wanted kept hidden, including war crimes and torture. 

Israel’s policy of constant adversity

Every day of the year, the International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC) reports on incidents that Palestinians endure. It isn’t hard to detect patterns: home demolitions, land confiscation, abduction, and mistreatment of political prisoners are daily occurrences. Below are just some of the accounts reported by IMEMC for April 10, 2019. Each includes background information on the issue and part of the article.

Yet Another Senator from Israel: Cory Booker shines at AIPAC

Giraldi sums up presidential hopeful Cory Booker: “a complete sell-out to Israel and its Jewish supporters” who tries to be “more Israeli than the Israelis.” Booker claims that there is “no greater moral vandalism than abandoning Israel,” and swears to give Israel even more money. 

Baseline of a Desecrated Land IX: Toxic Leaks & Spills

Part 9 of a 12 part series examining the ecological impacts of Israel’s occupation of Palestine. A synopsis of the findings is here. by Dick Callahan, reposted from Recognition 9: The ‘Toxic Tsunami’ and Other Disasters Petroleum contamination: Chronic leaks and spills in Israel “… we discovered a layer of gasoline near a gas…

Baseline of a Desecrated Land VIII: Desecrated Farmlands

Part 8 of a 12 part series examining the ecological impacts of Israel’s occupation of Palestine. A synopsis of the findings is here. by Dick Callahan, reposted from Last updated 10.18.2018 “It was not as if there was a Palestinian people in Palestine and we came and threw them out and took their country…

There’s Something Rotten in Virginia: Israel Is a Malignant Force in Local Politics

Among the many state and local orgs that work in the shadows for Israel is the Virginia-Israel Advisory Board (VIAB), funded by Virginia taxpayers. VIAB’s main objective is to provide preferential and unconditional funding to oftentimes secretive Israeli business projects designed to entwine Israeli industries into Virginia industries and government. VIAB is currently being scrutinized by the state Attorney General over its handling of government funds.