The Institute for Curriculum Services claims to advocate for accuracy in K-12 instruction on Jewish history – but backed by the Israel lobby it whitewashes the history of indigenous Palestinians and Israeli theft of their land, and even attempts to delete the word “Palestine” from textbooks. ICS boasts that it has ‘improved public education’ in all 50 states and impacted 11 million students across the country.
Tags: virginia coalition for human rights
There’s Something Rotten in Virginia: Israel Is a Malignant Force in Local Politics
Among the many state and local orgs that work in the shadows for Israel is the Virginia-Israel Advisory Board (VIAB), funded by Virginia taxpayers. VIAB’s main objective is to provide preferential and unconditional funding to oftentimes secretive Israeli business projects designed to entwine Israeli industries into Virginia industries and government. VIAB is currently being scrutinized by the state Attorney General over its handling of government funds.