Search Results for: prisoners

American Zionists choose lies over children

A bill before Congress seeks merely to stop US aid dollars from subsidizing the incarceration and torture of Palestinian children. Pro-Israel organizations would rather believe outrageous fallacies than stand up for these kids’ rights.

O Little Town of Bethlehem, what has become of thee?

Millions of travelers to Bethlehem believe the hasbara: Jews Good, Palestinians Bad; Jews victims, Palestinians perpetrators; because of the Holocaust, the world owes us, and must condone what we’re doing to Palestinians; those who criticize our racist policies are outright anti-Semites; we are God’s Chosen, therefore we can do no wrong.

News from the Palestinian Territories, Dec. 7-14, 2019… a typical week… Israeli forces attack, demolish, abduct, etc – news reports from IMEMC (almost none of this is reported in US media…

“Alternative facts” abound in Trump’s Israeli-American Council speech

In his recent, anti-Semitism-tainted speech, President Trump offered a buffet of falsehoods: sins of omission, sins of commission, white lies, and whoppers.

Experts: Israeli System Constitutes Apartheid, Crime against Humanity

Professors Richard Falk and Virginia Tilley provide detailed reports confirming that Israel is perpetrating “apartheid,” a crime against humanity. Those desiring peace must abandon an illusory “two-state solution” with its focus on the occupation, and instead address the fundamental obstacle to peace: Israel’s racist system. The papers were presented at the launch of a new international network, The 1st Global Conference on Israeli Apartheid. (Includes videos of their speeches)

Watch this 2-minute video about some of the Israeli violations of human rights that took place Oct 3-9, 2019, and see the full list of Israeli abuses against Palestinians that week.

Israeli human rights violations in West Bank & Gaza, Nov 4-7

The Israeli forces commit 600 violations against journalists this year, remove residential Palestinian tents, Israeli soldiers abduct two teens & a cancer patient … Israeli soldiers abduct fishermen & two Palestinian siblings … Israel’s deportation of Human Rights worker upheld by Israeli Supreme Court , etc.

Virgin Airlines’ Richard Branson – a force for justice for Palestinians?

Sir Richard Branson, billionaire, activist, and philanthropist, understands the Palestinian plight. As his airline begins operation in Israel, will he be true to his own philosophy, “social justice is good for business”?