Tags: occupation

Trump-Kushner “Peace” Plan ignores elephants in the room: Israel created this mess

The Trump-Kushner “Peace” Plan is slick and businesslike, with an aura of objectivity and balance – but it is exactly the opposite, and something about it stinks. See this detailed, thorougly cited analysis…

Ten ordinary days under occupation in Palestine

The Trump so-called peace plan prioritizes security for Israel – but the real at-risk population is the Palestinians. Below are some of the (clickable) headlines from Palestine that the mainstream media missed over the past ten days: settler violence against Palestinians, home demolitions, evictions, abductions, land confiscation, shootings with injuries…the list goes on…

O Little Town of Bethlehem, what has become of thee?

Millions of travelers to Bethlehem believe the hasbara: Jews Good, Palestinians Bad; Jews victims, Palestinians perpetrators; because of the Holocaust, the world owes us, and must condone what we’re doing to Palestinians; those who criticize our racist policies are outright anti-Semites; we are God’s Chosen, therefore we can do no wrong.

Gideon Levy: a Quiet, Cruel Population Transfer in South Hebron Hills

Demolition of Palestinian homes – last week’s excuse was to create Israeli “nature reserves,” this week a “firing zone” – causes now-homeless Mahmoud Hamamdi to ask, “Who is the terrorist: the one who builds a house or the one who demolishes a house?”

Alison Weir speaks in Fresno CA to packed house & enthusiastic applause

In preparation for Alison Weir’s informative event on the Israeli occupation of Palestine, Fresno CA braced itself for protests that Israel partisans had promised. The ADL, American Jewish Committee, etc had condemned the event. But the evening was peaceful and educational, with a large, full auditorium, extremely receptive audience, and TV news reports on the event. After the almost 2-hour talk, there was a long line of audience members eager to purchase her book…