The Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) has observed & documented Israeli violations of international law for 22 years. Netanyahu has cancelled their mandate following a leaked TIPH report of widespread Israeli abuse. Palestinians fear the worst without the watchful eye of TIPH; Israeli settlers say it will be “a breath of fresh air.”
Tags: Hebron
Attending school while Palestinian: brief (horror) stories from the last 6 weeks
Israeli forces prepare to demolish a school in Hebron, West Bank on 11 July 2018 [DonnaBaranski-Walker/Twitter] Children in occupied West Bank schools are attacked and traumatized on a regular basis, as a matter of official policy. These are stories from just November and ten days in December (subsidized by American tax dollars). compiled by If…
Israeli Army Denied Soldiers Threw Gas Canister Into Hebron School. Then a Video Surfaced
The Israel Defense Forces said their army doesn’t launch stun grenades or tear gas into Palestinian schools, but after a video surfaced it altered its response, blaming “the wind.”
Bethlehem: Hundreds mourn the killing of Palestinian nurse at Israeli checkpoint
Israel used live fire as a first resort when a Palestinian male nurse lost control of his car near a checkpoint, mildly injuring 3 IDF soldiers.
Goliath lives: Palestinian children at risk in school
In the course of just 4 days, Israeli soldiers managed to attack and traumatize scores of school children, as well as adults who were there to serve the children. Mainstream media does not report on these incidents because they don’t match the narrative of benign occupation and Palestinians as terrorists.
Israeli Government Provides Financial Safety Net for Investments In Settlements
Recently released Israeli documents show that Israel secretly funded an insurance company for settlers, in addition to planning for 20,000 new units in Ma’ale Adumim worth 3 billion shekels (over $800 million), an East Jerusalem settlement built on confiscated Palestinian land.
In addition, settlement activity in Hebron continues, and Israel is trying to have international human rights observers removed.
Other troubling new governmental actions and policies have also been adopted.
Untold stories of everyday Israeli brutality
Israeli soldiers and settlers terrorize Palestinians every day. Stories from November 4-5 (that won’t appear in mainstream media) include 2 Palestinian deaths, at least 14 abductions – some of them children, a settler free-for-all in Hebron, and an injured infant.
Breaking the Silence about Israel’s occupation of Hebron
Jonathan Cook reports on Israeli soldiers breaking the silence on what they’ve done. “Whatever a soldier believes when they begin their military service, there is no way to behave ethically in the occupied territories,” Ido Even-Paz, a former Israeli soldier says. “It’s a system in which Palestinians are always treated as inferior… Every day the job is to inflict collective punishment…”
On Sunday Israelis shot, injured Palestinians in Gaza, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho, abducted others, etc.
Israeli soldiers shot six Palestinians in Gaza, a Palestinian teen in Jericho after the army invaded it accompanying groups of illegal settlers, abducted at dawn six Palestinians in Hebron, Bethlehem and Jenin… Israeli authorities seized large containers of children’s clothing on their way to the besieged Gaza Strip… (See video of Israeli soldiers shooting unarmed demonstrator in Palestinian village of Madama in April)
Just another Manic Monday in the West Bank
Ever have one of those days? In the Occupied Palestinian Territories, you never know whether your house, or your car, or your family members will be there when the day is done.