Search Results for: Return March

Pro-Israel neocons abound in Washington, and they’re calling the shots

Longtime Middle East analyst Jeffrey Blankfort discusses the history of pro-Israel neoconservatives in Washington, and the influence of AIPAC and Sheldon Adelson in Middle East policy – and he’s naming names.

Another week of Israeli violence: confiscation, abduction, killing, destruction

Second week of September 2019: Israeli violence includes confiscating a piece of private Palestinian land the size of Ellis Island; killing, injuring, abducting, and bombing children and adults – all by the “most moral army in the world.”

Israeli forces kill, injure, abduct Palestinians, destroy homes & farmland

During the first week of September 2019 Israeli forces in the Palestinian Occupied Territories killed Palestinian children, destroyed Palestinian property, razed farmland, stormed a Palestinian village, and assaulted, detained, and abducted Palestinians… In other words: it was pretty much like every other week. Read the details:

Paul Findley, longtime advocate for Palestinian human rights, dies at 98

Former Congressman Paul Findley (R-IL) was a forefather of the movement for justice for Palestinians, speaking and writing on the issue for almost half a century. He penned the first exposé on the Israel Lobby, “They Dare to Speak Out,” about how Americans who had spoken out about Palestine were pushed out by Israel partisans from positions in Congress, the media, academia, and elsewhere. (Contains documentary of his life.)