Dr. Ashrawi calls on the international community to hold Israel accountable for its recent aggressive actions and to protect the people and holy sites of Palestine.
Search Results for: GREAT MARCH
Gaza ِِAmputees Form First Ever Football Team in Hope to Join World Championships
Some of Gaza’s 2,500 lower-limb amputees have created a football (soccer) team, and they have their sights set on the World Championship.
Israel to reopen Gaza’s main crossing if peace persists
Israel caves: Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman offered a deal to Hamas, including reopening Kerem crossing and expanding fishing zones, “if situation remains calm.”
UN urges Israel and Gaza to ‘step back from the brink’ of war
After IDF’s single largest bombing campaign in Gaza since 2014, & Hamas’ rocket response, a UN rep called for moderation & promised that UN would not forget people of Gaza.
Netanyahu explained Israel’s strategy of using brute strength until Palestinians get the message that incendiary balloons are unacceptable.
Meanwhile, 2 teenage Palestinian boys were killed in Israeli rocket attacks; 4 Israelis were injured by rockets.
An ordinary week in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Gaza and Khan al Ahmar have made the news recently. But nothing newsworthy from the West Bank. What does a typical week look like there? Here’s a glimpse.
The Moral Decadence of Zionism
Professor Jeremy Salt writes: “Israel is by far the worst settler-colonial experience in history,” a state that makes murderers into heroes, and “based not on morality, justice, and law but brute force.” Because, Zionism.
Thanks to Gaza protests, Israel has a new crop of ‘battle tested’ weapons for sale
Israel is using protests in Gaza to test & showcase its arms industry. From grenade-carrying drones to “smart fences” and more, Israel is profiting from the carnage in Gaza.
Hamas decries Israel’s closure of vital Gaza commercial border
Israeli PM Netanyahu, tired of incendiary kites, has closed Gaza’s commercial border crossing; Hamas calls the decision a ‘crime’; HRW calls it ‘collective punishment’.
Gaza women are calling for solidarity July 3rd! Here is a downloadable flyer to use
The women of Gaza are asking women and others around the world to perform solidarity actions for their July 3rd march. Since many people may not have time to organize an event, here is a downloadable flyer that people can display in home and car windows, hand out, place in cafes, distribute during other marches for human rights, etc.
‘Imminent’ U.S. Withdrawal From UN’s Main Human Rights Body, Source Says
An unnamed source indicates that the US’ threatened departure from the UNHRC is “imminent.” For a year Nikki Haley has claimed the body has a “chronic anti-Israel bias.”