How war propaganda keeps on killing

Washington Post editorial page editor Fred Hiatt repeatedly stated the “fact” of Iraq’s hidden WMD and mocked anyone who doubted it. Even after the U.S. government acknowledged that the WMD allegations were a myth – a classic case of “fake news” – almost no one who had pushed the fabrication was punished. The “fake news” stigma didn’t apply to Hiatt and other journalists who actually did produce “fake news,” even though it led to the deaths of 4,500 U.S. soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. To this day, Hiatt remains the Post’s editorial-page editor.

How Israel polices Palestinian voices online – especially Facebook [VIDEO]

Hundreds of Palestinian activists, ordinary citizens, and journalists have been arrested and imprisoned based on what they wrote or shared – particularly on Facebook. And Israel is pressuring Facebook to censor information. According to Israeli minister Ayelet Shaked. “A year ago Facebook removed 50 percent of content that we requested. Today Facebook is removing 95 percent of content we ask them to.”

Full text of Trump’s executive order banning refugees for 90-120 days

Suspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days while vetting procedures are revamped. Suspends admissions of people from “countries of particular concern” for 90 days. Bans Syrians until vetting is determined to be sufficient. Limits total refugees admitted in 2017 to 50,000. Some refugees may be admitted on a case-by-case basis.