News from the Palestinian Territories, Dec. 7-14, 2019… a typical week… Israeli forces attack, demolish, abduct, etc – news reports from IMEMC (almost none of this is reported in US media…
Trump Executive Order on “Antisemitism” Combats Criticism of Israel
A new executive order is the latest step in a long-running campaign to embed a nontraditional, Israel-focused definition of anti-Semitism in public institutions, thereby preventing negative information about Israel from reaching the public… and impeding the growing movement for Palestinian human rights.
“Alternative facts” abound in Trump’s Israeli-American Council speech
In his recent, anti-Semitism-tainted speech, President Trump offered a buffet of falsehoods: sins of omission, sins of commission, white lies, and whoppers.
Experts: Israeli System Constitutes Apartheid, Crime against Humanity
Professors Richard Falk and Virginia Tilley provide detailed reports confirming that Israel is perpetrating “apartheid,” a crime against humanity. Those desiring peace must abandon an illusory “two-state solution” with its focus on the occupation, and instead address the fundamental obstacle to peace: Israel’s racist system. The papers were presented at the launch of a new international network, The 1st Global Conference on Israeli Apartheid. (Includes videos of their speeches)
Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib targeted in Israeli fake news operation
Israeli-based group uses Facebook to spread disinformation to more than a million followers around the world, singling out Muslim US congresswomen.
Israel lobby is the reason for perpetual oppression of Palestinians
In this frank, and frankly courageous piece, Philip Weiss lays bare the agenda of the Israel lobby and how it has manipulated the American Jewish community and the US government for decades. But, he predicts, the lobby is dying, and in its wake, peace is achievable.
Lost count? Israel killed 43 Palestinians in November
If it feels like Palestinians are constantly dying, that’s because they are. 43 in November. 526 since Trump’s Jerusalem announcement 2 years ago – 111 of them children. Where in the world is the world?
Israeli occupation costs Palestinians billions: UN
A recent UN report indicates that Israel has withheld tens of billions of dollars in taxes and duties from the Palestinian Authority, placing Palestinians in a fiscal crisis and severely impacting development.
First Person: attack on Gaza
“They’re going to Gaza. It’s an airstrike,” our guide explained as we watched five Israeli warplanes fly overhead.
Only 19.7% of Americans agree with US State Dept on Israeli settlements
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently declared, “we will no longer recognize Israeli settlements as per se inconsistent with international law.” Few Americans agree.