Search Results for: SHOT IN HEAD

MSF: 1,000 Gazans shot by Israel at risk of fatal infection

Palestinians in Gaza are dealing with more fallout from the blockade – and their protest against it. Now in addition to thousands of gunshot wounds from Israeli snipers, and their accompanying disabilities and amputations, many are at risk of infection. The healthcare sector is lacking in supplies thanks to import restrictions; patients can not go abroad for treatment thanks to visa restrictions.

One Israeli human rights org reports over 180 Palestinians killed (31 of them minors) and 21,000 injured.

On Sunday Israelis shot, injured Palestinians in Gaza, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho, abducted others, etc.

Israeli soldiers shot six Palestinians in Gaza, a Palestinian teen in Jericho after the army invaded it accompanying groups of illegal settlers, abducted at dawn six Palestinians in Hebron, Bethlehem and Jenin… Israeli authorities seized large containers of children’s clothing on their way to the besieged Gaza Strip… (See video of Israeli soldiers shooting unarmed demonstrator in Palestinian village of Madama in April)

BBC bows to pressure from Israel and changes Gaza headline

This is truly shocking: media giant BBC is bossed around by Israel. The headline “Israeli air strikes kill pregnant woman and baby” magically become “Gaza air strikes ‘kill woman and child’ after rockets hit Israel” when Israel’s foreign ministry spokesman ordered it to be changed “IMMEDIATELY.” A BBC spokesperson admitted that “although the original headline was not factually incorrect, we updated it to add more context to the story”. They added something else too, and it ain’t truth.
One BBC senior producer confided, ‘We wait in fear for the phone call from the Israelis,’” whenever they publish negative stories about Israel.

While teachers care about schools & salaries, teachers union head Randi Weingarten positions the union to support Israel

While most teachers are concerned with issues like raising teachers’ pay and strengthening public schools, American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten positions the union to support Israel, following a history of such union presidents… Under Weingarten AFT opposes BDS and supports liberal Zionists…