Search Results for: police brutality

24 Massacres in 24 Hours, 210 Gazans killed – Day 110

Horror in Khan Younis, white flag killing caught on film; update on American teen shot dead by Israel; Israeli TV reports that widely reported descriptions of Hamas atrocities were lies; calls to end arms transfers to Israel; 210 Congress members support Israel’s violence; Dem support for Israel may be on shaky ground over 2-state solution; US bombing of Iraq is destroying years-long alliance, and more

Israel denied 95% of fuel, medicine deliveries to north Gaza – Day 105

Shortages put infants, children at heightened risk; evidence of arbitrary field executions, torture of Gazans; UK Labor leader supports “inalienable right of Palestinian people”; American teen killed in West Bank; possible escalation in Lebanon in the offing; another strike on Houthis; Biden’s unrealistic expectations, Swiss investigating criminal complaint against Israeli president

Israel was one of the world’s leading jailers of journalists in 2023 – Day 104

Israel kills yet another journalist, destroys yet another university; Bosnian genocide survivors take up Gaza cause at ICJ; communication still down in Gaza after almost a week; deadly raids in West Bank kill 11; calls to ban Israel from the Olympics; Houthis’ message goes unheard by US; Ben Gvir declares open season on Palestinian “terrorists”; Biden, Netanyahu can’t agree on a Gaza plan; and more

“Children are dying first. Adults will follow. Before our eyes.” – Day 102

Devastation in Gaza meets denial from Israel; Israeli refusal to cooperate with UN inquiry; deal brokered: medicine for Israeli hostages in exchange for more aid to Gaza; violence in West Bank leads to at least 9 Palestinian deaths; another genocide call; latest from Blinken and US Senate

“Endless tragedy, hell on earth,” now over 18K dead – Day 66

U.N. General Assembly voted to demand ceasefire; 6 major humanitarian groups: “We have seen nothing like the siege of Gaza” ; Committee to Protect Journalist: “deeply alarmed by journalists in Gaza reporting receiving threats, and subsequently, their family members killed”; Doctors Without Borders: “Israeli attacks have killed at least 5 hospital staff, including two of its doctors while they were caring for their patients”…

Ultra-Orthodox men assault woman for sitting at front of Jerusalem bus

US media rarely report on the Jewish extremism in Israel that plays a significant role in the country. When a woman recently refused to move to the back of the bus, a group of 20 men began verbally berating her; when she still refused to leave her seat they began physically assaulting her and prevented her from calling the police.

Flashback: The Night of the Broken Clubs

The Israeli soldiers carried out the orders they’d been given: To break both arms and both legs by clubbing the Arabs; To avoid clubbing them on the heads; To remove their bonds after breaking their arms & legs, to leave them at the site; & To leave one local with broken arms but without broken legs so he could make it back to the village…