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NY State Senator Jeff Klein, you have some ‘splaining to do

NY State Senator Jeff Klein seems torn between two viewpoints: one says “all people are created equal, with certain unalienable rights – life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The other, incompatible with the first:  “Israel, right or wrong.” 

News from Palestine – mostly unreported by US media

Palestinian Poet Turns Herself In to Finish Sentence… Israeli Airstrike Levels Five-story Building in Gaza City… Abbas Appeals to International Community in Halting Attacks on Gaza… “Israeli Soldiers Abduct Seventeen Palestinians in the West Bank”… Palestinian Wells, Tourist Areas, Among Israeli Targeted Sites In Gaza… Israeli Army Demolishes A Shop Near Jericho… Israeli Army Injures Many Palestinians In Kufur Qaddoum…

Flashback: Alison Weir’s exposé on NY Times report in which injured Israeli goats were more important than injured Palestinian infant

In 2012 FAIR highlighted Alison Weir’s exposé on a distorted New York Times’ report on Palestine. The NYT had reversed the chronology of an attack, & had reported that “several goats were killed in a petting zoo in an Israeli communal farm” but failed to tell that Israeli forces had injured a one month old Palestinian infant, a two year old, a three year old, and a 10 year old.

Israeli forces Bomb 25 Sites in Gaza; One Soldier Killed By Gaza Resistance after Four Palestinians killed by Israel

Israel is escalating its attacks on Gaza, bombing at least 25 sites. Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated that he was planning to launch a large-scale war in Gaza similar to the one in 2014, in which 2200 people were killed. He said the ‘Palestinian people will pay the price’ for the continued non-violent protests at the border…

The back story of Passages, Museum of the Bible’s program to take Christian college students to Israel

Passages is a program that takes Christian college students to Israel to make them a “voice for Israel.” Students never visit the West Bank and Gaza. The program, which promotes Christian Zionism, was suggested by Israeli government officials. A major backer is hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer, a Jewish advocate for Israel and prominent LGBTQ supporter…