Tags: Sheldon Adelson

Israel advocates are the 2 largest donors in lead-up to U.S. midterm elections

Israel partisans Sheldon Adelson and Michael Bloomberg are the top campaign donors leading up to midterm elections. Adelson, an American billionaire who has said he wished he’d served in the Israeli military instead of the US one, is donating tens of millions of dollars to Republicans. Bloomberg, a billionaire who twice flew to Israel to demonstrate his support of Israel during its massacres of Gazans, is giving tens of millions to Democrats….

Sheldon Adelson spending 0 million to keep control of U.S. policies on Israel

Sheldon Adelson is reportedly spending at least $55 million during the upcoming midterm elections. Adelson has become the most influential donor in the Republican Party. Adelson’s total spending on behalf of Israel in the 2016 and 2018 election combined, will surpass $100 million, probably making him the largest single donor in American politics today.

Israel would get far more than  billion under the new deal

In an unprecedented gift of our executive power to Israel, the House has passed for the very first time a law that forces the American president to give Israel a minimum of $3.8 billion per year. We have, in effect, crippled our ability to promote US interests in the Middle East. The new House version is even more generous to Israel than the Senate bill and the 2016 MOU… it amounts to $7,230 per minute to Israel, or $120 per second…

Birthrighter Asks: Why Do People Care More About Adelson’s Money Than The Lives Of Palestinians?

Every year, Birthright lies about the occupation to 50,000 young Jews visiting Israel. Telling the truth would simply add to the growing dissent against Israel’s policies.

Spying on Linda Sarsour: Israeli Firm Compiled Anti-Sarsour Dossier for Adelson-funded U.S. Group Battling Her Campus Appearances

Ha’aretz reveals that a secretive Israeli firm collected intelligence on U.S. citizen Linda Sarsour and her family, acting on behalf of an American-Israeli organization established to combat the BDS movement. The firm delivered the dossier to the pro-Israel Act.IL group, which used it as the basis of a campaign to discourage U.S. colleges from allowing the pro-BDS activist to speak on campus