In a culture of impunity for Israeli police and military (and Israel in general), it should come as no surprise that the killing of Eyad Hallaq, a disabled Palestinian man, is rewarded.
Tags: police brutality
Israeli soldier shoots, kills unarmed Palestinian at point-blank range
As an unarmed Palestinian young man, Ammar Mifleh, resisted arrest by a well-armed Israeli soldier, the soldier took out a pistol and shot him four times at point-blank range, killing him.
Father of three shot dead after colliding with empty Israeli police car
His crime was accidentally colliding with an empty police car. He paid with his life as multiple Israeli officers opened fire on him.
Shams: at 11, he’s not too young to be beaten & traumatized by Israeli soldiers
Shams was just playing football, but for Israeli occupation soldiers that’s enough to detain, arrest, beat, and threaten to kill an 11-year-old child – and it’s not just a fluke: CPT suggests that Israel is trying to “traumatize a generation.”
Flashback: The Night of the Broken Clubs
The Israeli soldiers carried out the orders they’d been given: To break both arms and both legs by clubbing the Arabs; To avoid clubbing them on the heads; To remove their bonds after breaking their arms & legs, to leave them at the site; & To leave one local with broken arms but without broken legs so he could make it back to the village…
Shireen Abu Akleh’s death exposes Israel for what it is – a murderous regime
A comprehensive report on Shireen Abu Akleh’s murder, and why it played out the way it did. Her story, like that of the Palestinian people, is one of courage in the face of injustice. In mourning her murder, let us acknowledge the facts of Palestinian life – and death.
Ahmad Al-Manasra: A Palestinian Child Who Grew up Behind Israeli Bars
Ahmad Al-Manasra has been in Israeli prison since age 13, and suffers from prison-related mental illness. A hearing to review the now 21-year-old Manasra’s case is being held today.
Gideon Levy: Terror Is the Only Way Open to the Palestinians
Violence is always brutal and immoral – and not just the violence of a lone Palestinian attacker with a knife. The state-sanctioned, uniformed violence that Palestinians endure daily. “The terror attacks are the punishment” for Israel’s crime of not dealing with the ongoing injustice.
Israeli forces kill three Palestinians Tuesday, one a teen
In separate incidents, Israeli troops shot and killed three Palestinian young men today, Tuesday, March 15. A number of Palestinians were also injured; no Israelis were hurt.
Ten Days, Five Israeli Bullets, Five Bedouin With Serious Head Injuries
16-year-old Abdullah Tarabin lost an eye; Bassem sustained three fractures in his jaw; Taleb’s skull was smashed; and Obeideh and Uday were injured in their faces…