State lawmakers and governors across the US have allowed the Israel lobby to write public policy. New laws and executive orders have been crafted by Israel lobbyists, then copied from one state to the next, adopted with virtually identical language. The groundwork for anti-boycott legislation was laid by Israel partisans a decade ago…
Tags: israel lobby
Trump’s Israel policies have caused a split among Israel lovers
Philip Weiss reports that Trump’s extreme pro-Israel policies have fostered a widening split among Israel-lovers. Rightwing Zionists love what Trump is doing. Centrist Zionists who worry that Israel is going off the rails are disturbed by Trump’s actions. Liberal and centrist Zionists have been going to occupied Jerusalem for more than a generation and seeing a 26-foot wall that reminded them of the Berlin wall on steroids, and seen bright red occupation signs warning Jews against going into Palestinian areas that remind them of South Africa. And they’ve done nothing…
Do Members of Congress Take Too Many Subsidized Trips to Israel?
Among Congress members’ subsidized trips abroad, Israel is by far the top foreign destination; most trips work to cultivate an Israel-centric perspective of the region, and are paid for by an organization with deep foreign ties. On the other hand, only a handful of legislators visit Palestine. 41% of Americans believe that if their representatives visit Israel, they should also visit Palestine.
First West Coast showing of Censored Al Jazeera Film on the Israel Lobby
The leaked documentary will be shown, followed by a discussion, at the Berkeley Central Library on Monday, Feb. 4, at 6 pm. The explosive film contains footage of Israel lobby manipulation obtained by an undercover reporter. The post contains a downloadable flyer for people in the Berkeley, California area to distribute.
NPR reporter defends one-sided report on Ilhan Omar
An “All Things Considered” reporter says the NPR report was “fair,” but in reality it reported only one side of the controversy and omitted significant information. The reporter’s email reveals a skewed perception of events. NPR has a history of such Israel-centric reporting…
Poll: 75% of Americans Oppose Outlawing Boycotts of Israel
Americans in general do not like anti-BDS laws nearly as much as Congress does: just 22.5% of American adults polled favor anti-boycott measure. But Washington and many state legislatures are pushing through legislation that would criminalize boycott of Israel.
Opinion: Americans Need a Congress that Represents Americans
Paul Craig Roberts: US Senator Marco Rubio poses as a representative of Florida Republicans, but in truth he represents the interests of Israel. He is sponsor of legislation that punishes Americans who boycott Israel as their way of protesting Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people. That Rubio is doing his best to dismantle what little is left of the First Amendment doesn’t seem to bother the media, who are no longer protective of the First Amendment.
AIPAC takes newly elected Congress members, CNN’s Setmayer on propaganda trips to Israel
The Israel lobby is taking newly elected Congressional representatives, CNN-ABC commentator Tara Setmayer, & California “progressive leaders” on propaganda trips to Israel. AIPAC IS using a loophole that violates the spirit of the law… and seems to be functioning as a foreign agent…
Pro-Israel group raises half a million dollars for Menendez – eludes donation law
Pro-Israel NORPAC political action committee eludes law limiting pacs to $10,000 donation… the group held a $1,000 a plate dinner for Democratic candidate Menendez. NORPAC raises money for candidates from both parties around the US – from New York to North Dakota… see video of Menendez AIPAC speech…
Florida A&M campus newspaper: The relationship between African-American students and Israel
Article in the Florida A&M campus newspaper describes how AIPAC woos student leaders from historically black colleges and universities…