Tags: israel lobby

Opinion: Americans Need a Congress that Represents Americans

Paul Craig Roberts: US Senator Marco Rubio poses as a representative of Florida Republicans, but in truth he represents the interests of Israel. He is sponsor of legislation that punishes Americans who boycott Israel as their way of protesting Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people. That Rubio is doing his best to dismantle what little is left of the First Amendment doesn’t seem to bother the media, who are no longer protective of the First Amendment.

AIPAC takes newly elected Congress members, CNN’s Setmayer on propaganda trips to Israel

The Israel lobby is taking newly elected Congressional representatives, CNN-ABC commentator Tara Setmayer, & California “progressive leaders” on propaganda trips to Israel. AIPAC IS using a loophole that violates the spirit of the law… and seems to be functioning as a foreign agent…

Pro-Israel group raises half a million dollars for Menendez – eludes donation law

Pro-Israel NORPAC political action committee eludes law limiting pacs to $10,000 donation… the group held a $1,000 a plate dinner for Democratic candidate Menendez. NORPAC raises money for candidates from both parties around the US – from New York to North Dakota… see video of Menendez AIPAC speech…

Herbert London’s Center for Policy Research helped pass Taylor Force Act

Herbert London, head of the pro-Israel London Center for Policy Research, says his organization helped influence the US Congress to pass the anti-Palestinian Taylor Force Act…. We served as a guide to key congressman who played important roles in getting the bill passed such as Congressman Keith Rothfus from Pennsylvania….

A New Wave Of Hardline Anti-BDS Tactics Are Targeting Students, And No One Knows Who’s Behind It

College campuses are being hit by militant, often anonymous anti-BDS campaigns. Some of them are so rough, they’re even making pro-Israel Jews uncomfortable. The list of Jewish groups that do anti-BDS work on campuses is bafflingly long. A partial tally includes StandWithUs, AEPi, CAMERA, the David Project, the David Horowitz Freedom Center, Jerusalem U, AIPAC, Sheldon Adelson’s Maccabee Task Force, and the Zionist Organization of America. The total amount of American Jewish and Israeli government funds flooding the anti-BDS effort is easily in the tens of millions of dollars each year…

Senate about to vote on bill to give  billion to Israel, largest aid package in US history

Although the media isn’t telling Americans, a bill to give Israel a massive aid package is before Congress. The Senate, where it has 72 sponsors, is expected to vote on it this week. The bill also mandates that NASA work with Israel’s space agency, despite charges of Israeli espionage…

Watch: Congressman Gus Savage exposes the Israel Lobby’s illicit tactics

In 1990 Illinois Congressman Gus Savage gave an hour-long speech in Congress in which he detailed how AIPAC subverts the democratic process on behalf of Israel. “The purpose of AIPAC is to promote a foreign nation, not in America’s interest, an organization operating within America composed of Americans, in the interest of a foreign nation interfering in the internal affairs and the elections of this Nation…”