Capitol Hill has for years been a no-questions-asked, pro-Israel fortress. That tide may be turning, and Israel partisans are not happy.
Tags: israel lobby
Israel Lobby’s latest way to extort money from US taxpayers
New bill would give Israel a veto over US arms sales… Cumulative US aid to Israel is $295 Billion – three times the amount the US spent to rebuild Europe after WWII under the Marshall Plan… Israel lobby group proposes that the US explode its already ballooning deficit even further by advancing cash to Israel under a new “Deferred Payment Plan”…
Joe Biden’s deep ties with Israel
Joe Biden has been in a love affair with Israel for decades. A scolding from Israel’s Prime Minister Menachem Begin early on might have set the course.
38 billion reasons to vote for Joe Biden – If you’re Israeli
The Forward has just published an article saying that Joe Biden’s long loyalty to a foreign country is a reason to vote for him. The article is entitled “38 billion reasons to vote for Joe Biden.” The title refers to the $38 billion aid package to Israel, which works out to $7,000 per minute from American taxpayers and is approximately $23,000 per each Israeli family of four…
Recent censorship by the Israel lobby: five incidents
Recently, Israel partisans have pressured Zoom to cancel a university-sponsored talk, a prominent law program to rescind a job offer, a public broadcaster to apologize for using the word Palestine, companies to stop delivering for a restaurant, and an editor to suppress an interview…
Flashback: Alison Weir’s speech at Nat’l Press Club (Video)
2014 talk by Alison Weir at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. The presentation was broadcast on C-Span and was part of the National Summit to Reassess the US-Israel Special Relationship. The book she discusses has over 600 5-star reviews on Amazon and has sold over 30,000 copies.
U.S. is in Middle East ‘to protect Israel’ not for oil, Trump says
Donald Trump recently said the U.S. isn’t involved in the Middle East for oil, but because we “want to protect Israel.” The comments have gone all but unreported in the mainstream press. (Contains videos)
Biden or Trump will mean four more years of cheerleading for Israel
Both candidates will likely do Israel’s bidding… More and more Democrats support Palestinian rights, but rather than repudiate Trump’s record, Biden has sought to outcompete Trump for the title of most unwavering, uncritical supporter of Israel. His officials have plenty of evidence from Biden’s half-century at the top of US politics…
UAE deal shows: world leaders see Israel lobby as a gatekeeper in Washington
The United Arab Emirates is seeking more support from the United States, and it believes it must go through Israel to get it. Other nations also understand the power of the Israel lobby in the US… Egypt, India, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Honduras, Qatar, Tunisia, Congo, Venezuela… Obama himself acknowledged the lobby’s gatekeeper role when he reached out to Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in order to hire Hillary Clinton as secretary of state… So in his most important appointment, Obama needed to show ‘credibility’ with the Israeli government and its lobby…
Biden is most pro-Israel nominee ever (and he will ‘defeat’ ‘hypercritical’ voices in the party)
Phil Weiss reports that pro-Israel advocates are overjoyed at the prospect of Joe Biden… they say there has never been a nominee from any party who is so pro-Israel, and that his choice of Kamala Harris as veep reflects his love of Israel…