Tags: israel lobby

2014 talk by Alison Weir at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. The presentation was broadcast on C-Span and was part of the National Summit to Reassess the US-Israel Special Relationship. The book she discusses has over 600 5-star reviews on Amazon and has sold over 30,000 copies.

Biden or Trump will mean four more years of cheerleading for Israel

Both candidates will likely do Israel’s bidding… More and more Democrats support Palestinian rights, but rather than repudiate Trump’s record, Biden has sought to outcompete Trump for the title of most unwavering, uncritical supporter of Israel. His officials have plenty of evidence from Biden’s half-century at the top of US politics…

UAE deal shows: world leaders see Israel lobby as a gatekeeper in Washington

The United Arab Emirates is seeking more support from the United States, and it believes it must go through Israel to get it. Other nations also understand the power of the Israel lobby in the US… Egypt, India, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Honduras, Qatar, Tunisia, Congo, Venezuela… Obama himself acknowledged the lobby’s gatekeeper role when he reached out to Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in order to hire Hillary Clinton as secretary of state… So in his most important appointment, Obama needed to show ‘credibility’ with the Israeli government and its lobby…

Biden is most pro-Israel nominee ever (and he will ‘defeat’ ‘hypercritical’ voices in the party)

Phil Weiss reports that pro-Israel advocates are overjoyed at the prospect of Joe Biden… they say there has never been a nominee from any party who is so pro-Israel, and that his choice of Kamala Harris as veep reflects his love of Israel…

Israel played ‘key role’ in pushing war against Iraq

Stephen Walt reports how numerous Israeli leaders & pro-Israel lobby groups pushed for the U.S. invasion of Iraq… ‘Given all the problems that the lobby’s prescriptions have produced in recent years, you’d think U.S. leaders would have learned to ignore its advice. But there’s little sign of that so far, which means that these past errors are likely to be repeated. Don’t say I didn’t warn you…’

Congress passes legislation to expend  million/day on behalf of Israel

While some Americans know that the U.S. gives Israel over $10 million per day ($7,000 per minute), they may be unaware that additional spending on behalf of Israel significantly increases the cost to American taxpayers… (due to Appropriations Chair Nita Lowey & the Israel lobby… contains videos)

The Fall of Eliot Engel: Israel-Firster Defeated in Congressional Primary

Phil Giraldi reports that Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Andrew Cuomo, Nancy Pelosi, & the Congressional Black Caucas (also in the Israel lobby’s pocket) had endorsed Engel, but Jamaal Bowman won… as did Ocasio-Cortez… It’s early days to be hopeful, but the NY primary election results, from a state where Jewish groups wield enormous power, just might be an indication that some things are about to change… 

The arms race between Dems and GOP for pro-Israel donors

Biden needs money to mount a strong challenge to Trump, and the organized Jewish community is regarded as very pro-Israel & the largest repository of money in the Democratic Party, the source of half or more of large donations. See detailed information on what is driving politicians’ stances on Israel-Palestine since Truman through today…