Tags: f-35

As Israel commits yet another war crime in Gaza, Biden still won’t acknowledge it’s happening –Day 242

Children going without food, bathrooms; in a bid for total lawlessness, Israel kills 8 Gaza police officers; thousands desperately need medical evacuation; Slovenia recognizes Palestinian state; Israel purchases F-35 fighter jets; Israel uses white phosphorous in Lebanon; Biden opines on Netanyahu’s war “strategy,” still can’t say “war crime”; US House passes bill calling to sanction ICC; more.

Israeli war planes vs Palestinian balloons, kites & rockets

Much essential information is frequently omitted from US news coverage, including the vast difference in weaponry used in the “Israel-Hamas wars” – see this detailed report and videos of the weapons used by Israeli military forces and Palestinian resistance groups.

Israel Lobby’s latest way to extort money from US taxpayers

New bill would give Israel a veto over US arms sales… Cumulative US aid to Israel is $295 Billion – three times the amount the US spent to rebuild Europe after WWII under the Marshall Plan… Israel lobby group proposes that the US explode its already ballooning deficit even further by advancing cash to Israel under a new “Deferred Payment Plan”…