Israeli occupation forces have just killed another Palestinian youth. The heavily armed Israeli combat soldiers say the boy tried to attack them with a knife (not independently confirmed). Afterward, Israeli forces stormed the teen’s village (which Israeli soldiers & settlers have periodically attacked through the years), launched tear gas, fired rubber bullets, ransacked his home & interrogated his parents….
Search Results for: settlers
Settler violence: a rampage by Israel’s own homegrown supremacists
Imagine white supremacists routinely invading suburbs and rural villages to terrorize Black people. Now imagine these attacks growing so extreme that white supremacists can even take over the homes and land of those Black people, simply because they can, knowing the authorities will turn a blind eye… That’s what Israel does year after year after year to Palestinians – while US politicians from both parties continue to send Israel over $10 million per day…
UN reports on human rights abuses in Israel-Palestine, Jan.5-18 2021
The UN published its biweekly report on the humanitarian situation in the Palestinian territories. As usual, Israeli soldiers and settlers carried out numerous attacks, and property damage, including uprooting hundreds of Palestinian farmers’ trees.
Israeli court wants to ban film about Israel’s 2002 massacre of Palestinian refugees
“Jenin, Jenin” documents a deadly Israeli assault on a Palestinian refugee camp that left hundreds of civilians dead and over fifteen hundred wounded, and its release has caused an uproar in Israeli society.
Headlines from Palestine that Israel doesn’t want you to read
Israel and its military trample Palestinian human rights on a daily basis. Here are just a few headlines from the last week that U.S. media ignored.
This is apartheid: Jewish supremacy from the River to the Sea
B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories – believes that “apartheid” is the only word to describe the accumulation of policies and laws in Israel devised to entrench control over Palestinians.
The COVID-19 vaccine: another ugly face of Israeli apartheid
The apartheid system under which Israel operates inside the occupied territory could not be better displayed than in the case of the COVID-19 vaccine — who gets the vaccine, and who doesn’t, is a simple matter of nationality.
In fact, Israel could vaccinate its entire population before Palestinians receive a single dose.
Action Alert! Tell Congress Issa Amro is a man of peace, not a criminal!
Issa Amro has been resisting Israel’s efforts to take over the Palestinian city of Hebron since 2003. A verdict is imminent in the sham trial against him, and he needs to know he’s not alone. Use this form to contact Congress – they voted to give Israel over $10 million per day; they must now tell Israel to cease its wrongdoing and drop all charges against Amro…
Hundreds of Israelis disrupt prayers in oldest Christian monastery In Palestine
Israeli assailants strive to intimidate monks who gathered to pray at Saint Saba Monastery in a deliberate attempt to stop the prayers.
Dec. 14-17: Israelis abduct, injure, attack & shoot Palestinians in West Bank & Gaza
News reports about Israeli actions in the Palestinian Territories December 14-17, 2020… Israeli forces shoot teenagers, abduct civilians, destroy property, etc