In yet another land grab, Israel has approved the annexation of prime Palestinian land near Bethlehem. Palestinians have no say in the matter.
Search Results for: christian
In Memoriam: Legendary Leaders Lost in 2021
Delinda Hanley remembers four larger-than-life figures whose contributions toward peace in the Middle East have been invaluable. Their deaths are a loss to all who work in the cause of justice for Palestinians.
Rep. Betty McCollum leads effort to block Israel from using US aid to break int’l law
Rep. Betty McCollum has introduced a new bill (H.R. 2590) that challenges Israel’s impunity, at a time when support in Congress for Palestinian rights is at an all-time high. This issue of conditional aid to Israel has gained momentum in recent years – but there is a long way to go…
Dancing While Palestinian
Dancing while Palestinian can be a source of joy and unity, a celebration of culture, and a form of defiance against the Israeli occupation – that’s why it’s so dangerous.
Easter for us, but Palestinians are still in Gethsemane
Dear Christians, let us never forget that the root of our faith is in Palestine, a real place that faces real suffering. Here is a glimpse of one family’s Gethsemane, and a call to stay awake.
Falk: Thomas Friedman unconditionally supports Israel, ignores Palestinian grievances
Richard Falk reports that “Progressive Except Palestine” journalist Thomas Friedman is an unapologetic Israel apologist, putting a positive spin on Israeli actions that can be spun, and simply avoiding comment on issues when it’s convenient.
New Congress entertains its first anti-BDS legislation
New Congress, same Israel partisanship. One congressperson proposed an amendment to the COVID relief bill that would refuse funding to supporters of the Boycott, Divest, Sanction (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights – during a *pandemic.*
Gaza Memorial Playground In Mary Hughes Thompson’s Name
Mary Hughes Thompson, 87, died on February 5, 2021, in Los Angeles, California. Mary was one of the founders of the flotilla movement, and was dedicated to justice in Palestine… see plans to build a playground in Gaza in her honor, tributes from around the world, and two videos about her….
To Jews, from a rabbi raised in South Africa: “tell the truth – Israel is apartheid”
A rabbi with South African roots recalls the moment he realized that Israel’s system is “apartheid.” He describes his struggle to release his idealistic view of the Jewish State, and encourages Jews to practice “moral clarity” regarding Israel – without which it is impossible to find a way forward.
Torture of Palestinian prisoners: Time to end Israel’s impunity
It is time for both Israeli society and the international community to speak up against Israel’s continued use of torture against Palestinians and others, along with the impunity given to perpetrators of this heinous crime… This has been documented since at least the 1970s