Tags: land appropriation

ICJ orders Israel halt Rafah invasion, open crossings to aid – Day 230

Israeli settlers attack aid trucks again; Pope calls Gaza every night; Al Awda Hospital hangs by a thread; demand for ICC to investigate Palestinian prisoner abuse; punishing Spain for recognizing Palestine; Israeli policy to drive out pastoral communities; Colombian embassy coming to Ramallah; Netanyahu invited to speak to Congress; Nikki Haley; more.

IDF annexes Palestinian land using flimsy excuses and gibberish

Author Amira Hass, a Jewish Israeli, pressed the Israeli government for an explanation for the sharp increase in refusals to allow Palestinians access to their land that was cut off by the Separation Wall. The response appears to be little more than a runaround; official reasons given for denial of permits have often been dismissive: the plot of land in question is “too small to cultivate” or the request was “fraudulent.”