Gideon Levy: a Quiet, Cruel Population Transfer in South Hebron Hills

Demolition of Palestinian homes – last week’s excuse was to create Israeli “nature reserves,” this week a “firing zone” – causes now-homeless Mahmoud Hamamdi to ask, “Who is the terrorist: the one who builds a house or the one who demolishes a house?”

Sign the petition: “No aid to Israel while Israeli scammers bilk Americans”

Scam alert: Israel is supposedly America’s ‘close ally,’ but while it takes $10 million in aid every day, it is knowingly allowing American citizens to be ruined. The companies are specifically targeting veterans and senior citizens. Time to say no more aid while Israel allows its companies to steal Americans’ life savings.

US cracking down on  billion Israeli scam that steals life savings

Israel-based financial scammers have been cheating Americans out of millions of dollars, causing ruin to individuals and families. So far, 15 Israelis have been indicted in the U.S. for binary options scams. Two dual citizen Americans have just been sentenced in Maryland for cheating senior citizens & veterans out of their live savings – meanwhile, Israel gets over $10 million per day in aid from US taxpayers.