Geraldo Rivera was asked on Fox whether he ever regretted a story he had done. In reply he said that he regretted not supporting the Palestinians during the Second Intifada against Israeli “occupation and oppression.” He said he regretted “chickening out” and not “adding my voice as a Jew”…

Musta’ribeen, Israel’s agents who pose as Palestinians

Stealthy and deadly, “Musta’ribeen” are Israeli undercover agents who disguise themselves as Arabs and carry out missions in the heart of Palestinian societies. They have been a threat to Palestinians since before the Jewish State was created. Today they pose a particular challenge as they infiltrate protests and coordinate actions with the Israeli army…

The Forward’s “Most Powerful Man in New York” is a fervent Israel partisan who calls BDS today’s “Kristallnacht”

In an article today, The Forward calls New York State Senator Simcha Felder “the most powerful man In New York.” Felder called a Palestinian professor’s inclusion in a lecture program “an abomination,” has co-sponsored New York legislation against boycotting Israel, and In 2016 wrote: “Today’s Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel is nothing less than a political Kristallnacht.”

Debunking Israel’s Talking Points on Deadly Gaza Protests

Even before the protest began, Israeli spokespeople framed it preemptively as a Hamas production, even though it was supported by Gaza civil society organizations and all political parties. Civilian Gazans’ willingness to walk to that fence measures their yearning to express themselves as humans and claim their freedom, even at immediate risk.

Gideon Levy: The Israel Massacre Forces

Israeli military snipers fired at hundreds of civilians, hitting over 750 and killing 15, but two Palestinians who dared return fire at the soldiers who were massacring them are “terrorists,” their actions labeled “terror attacks” and their sentence – death. The shooting on the Gaza border shows once again that the killing of Palestinians is accepted in Israel more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes