Palestinian rights are becoming mainstream, and support for Israel is declining – especially among Democrats. But you’d never guess it from the Democratic Party platform. (If you’re not happy with this, there’s a place you can upload a short video telling the DNC what you want the platform to contain…)
What’s in S.3176, the goodies-for-Israel bill slinking through Congress?
In the middle of coronavirus financial devastation to Americans, Congress is poised to pass a 10-year package obligating American taxpayers to give Israel $38 billion – and US media aren’t even telling Americans about it. Read the details of what the bill contains. It’s only a few steps away from passage, unless voters object – contains action alert to contact Congress…
American Zionists choose lies over children
A bill before Congress seeks merely to stop US aid dollars from subsidizing the incarceration and torture of Palestinian children. Pro-Israel organizations would rather believe outrageous fallacies than stand up for these kids’ rights.
Israel’s ‘Rule of the Rabbis’ Who Preach Genocide Fuels Holy War
Largely ignored by critics have been Israel’s increasing theocratic tendencies – the growth of Israel’s extremist religious population and the emergence of a class of influential rabbis who endorse the killing of non-Jews and preach genocide…