There are billionaires aplenty with Kremlin ties who funneled political contributions to Donald Trump and top Republican leaders. So many are Israel lobbyists, Netanyahu cronies, and well-connected oligarchs — could it all be just one big coincidence? Read two articles below:
Spying on Linda Sarsour: Israeli Firm Compiled Anti-Sarsour Dossier for Adelson-funded U.S. Group Battling Her Campus Appearances
Ha’aretz reveals that a secretive Israeli firm collected intelligence on U.S. citizen Linda Sarsour and her family, acting on behalf of an American-Israeli organization established to combat the BDS movement. The firm delivered the dossier to the pro-Israel Act.IL group, which used it as the basis of a campaign to discourage U.S. colleges from allowing the pro-BDS activist to speak on campus
Let’s talk about Mohammad Tamimi’s 2nd detention
Mohammad Tamimi, 15-yr-old cousin of Ahed Tamimi, wants to live his life (with 1/3 of his skull missing). Israeli forces shot him in the head; now apparently they want him behind bars.
Was There Ever an Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program? Fabricated “proof” came from Israel
The Iran Deal is off in large part, it appears, due to fabricated documents by Israel – read exposés by Gareth Porter and Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
Canadian doctor: Israeli soldiers shot me in both legs as I was treating injured protesters in Gaza
Dr. Loubani, a Canadian physician, was apparently targeted and shot in both legs by Israeli snipers. He is among at least 17 paramedics injured; one was killed.
Israel detains Palestinian teen with severe head injury, AGAIN
Israel has detained Mohammad Tamimi, a minor who Israeli forces shot in the face last December, for the 2nd time since the shooting.
Congressional bill would apply Israel-centric definition of antisemitism to campuses
A group of US lawmakers from both houses of Congress introduced legislation on Wednesday to apply an Israel-centric definition of anti-Semitism to the American educational system. If passed, this would likely be used to to censor information on Israel-Palestine on U.S. campuses.
Left Forum management censors If Americans Knew
The Left Forum board of directors has rejected a panel on Palestine by If Americans Knew. The panel, which was to include a discussion of censorship among its topics, was to consist of a Muslim Palestinian refugee immigrant, two American women, and a Palestinian-Colombian-American man…
Jerusalem: The Not-so-eternal Capital of the Jewish People
Ha’aretz reports: Jerusalem has existed for over 7,000 years. Jews have been unquestionably connected with the city for 3,000 or so – yet it functioned as their capital only for short periods in history.
Gaza Freedom Flotilla Boat Boarded & Searched by German Coast Guard
The 2018 Gaza Freedom Flotilla, with peace activists taking humanitarian aid to Gaza, was harassed today by the German Coast Guard. After two successful voyages, flotillas have been blocked in international waters by Israeli forces, once killing 10 of those on board.