Search Results for: settler violence

Labs of Oppression, Part Two: “settler violence = state violence”

In Part Two of the in-depth article from the Intercept on Israel’s decades-long campaign against Palestinians, read about how the Israeli military partners with settlers, using harassment, violence, and clandestine moves, to control Palestinian land. Palestinians are left with noncontiguous “Bantustans,” where they are still unable to live in peace.

More Israeli settler violence: Palestinians brutally attacked, then interrogated by police

Dozens of Israeli settlers swooped down in an act of violence on a Palestinian family tending its olive grove – throwing stones and beating them. Three Palestinians were wounded; the eldest remains hospitalized. When the family filed a complaint, they were interrogated for allegedly throwing rocks.

Settler violence: a rampage by Israel’s own homegrown supremacists

Imagine white supremacists routinely invading suburbs and rural villages to terrorize Black people. Now imagine these attacks growing so extreme that white supremacists can even take over the homes and land of those Black people, simply because they can, knowing the authorities will turn a blind eye… That’s what Israel does year after year after year to Palestinians – while US politicians from both parties continue to send Israel over $10 million per day…

Israeli settler violence: 6 incidents in 2 days

As Israel criticizes Palestinians for their legal resistance against an illegal occupation, illegal Israeli settlers attack Palestinians on a daily basis – often with protection from the Israeli military – and go unpunished. Sometimes they destroy crops, sometimes vehicles; sometimes it’s graffiti; this week a member of the Israeli parliament called for open violence, and settlers obeyed.

Violence against West Bank Palestinians intensifies, as Gaza’s “safe” space shrinks – Day 313

Gaza’s shrinking “humanitarian” zone; doctor says 80 percent of amputations he performed in Gaza were on children; Israeli forces shoot dead injured Palestinians at point-blank range, including a youth; Israeli drones, snipers, settlers wreak death, havoc across West Bank; Israel-imposed drought in East Jerusalem; Israeli gov’t preparing to “legalize” 35% of West Bank illegal outposts; US officials say Israel can do no more militarily in Gaza; Israeli economy on the brink; “Blue Vote Red Line” movement seeks commitment from Harris for Palestine justice; poll shows US arms embargo on Israel would attract voters; journalists call on Blinken to back arms embargo; UN rapporteur says 40,000 deaths in Gaza were preventable; more.

Israeli settler attacks surpass 1,000, as massacres in Gaza continue – Day 274

Israel perpetrates a staggering number of massacres in Gaza; Lancet: direct & indirect deaths in Gaza could be 186K; in Gaza City, Israel attacks alleged “safe zone”;
Rupert Murdoch: Israel’s Most Powerful Supporter; high-ranking Gazan official targeted; ceasefire wording games; Hamas recruitment; 1,000 Israeli settler attacks since October 7th; West Bank death; Gaza pier debacle; more.