Search Results for: media bias

Israel behind Pretexts for an Attack on Iran

Ray McGovern probes the step-up in U.S. belligerence towards Iran – a country posing the same non-existent strategic threat as Iraq. 

Thanks to “dubious intelligence” from Israel – which wants nothing more than for its neighbors to be busy for the indefinite future – Trump officials have been thinking hard about entering, or even provoking, a war with Iran.

Detailed U.N. Report on Israeli Occupation of Golan Heights

Israel “destroyed 244 villages and built-up areas in the Golan and expelled their population, sparing only five villages (Majdal Shams, Buq’ata, Ain Qunya, Mas’ada and al-Ghajar). Not even places of worship, schools and health centres escaped destruction. The underlying aim of the occupation authorities was to eliminate Arab landmarks and obliterate the Arab identity of the Golan, as a result of which anyone who visits the Golan today is able to identify the locations of the former Arab villages only from their ruins…”

Alison Weir: advocating for Palestine 18 years and counting

Eighteen years ago this month, Alison Weir returned from her eye-opening, independent trip to Palestine. Many people feel that she may be the Palestinians’ most enduring and relentless advocate.

Her tireless work includes meticulous media analysis, writing, speaking, and educating Americans (and justice-lovers around the world) about the little-known facts of the Nakba (“Catastrophe”), the oppression that Israel has been perpetrating on Palestinians for over seventy years, and how the United States, pressured by the Israel lobby, is complicit.

Israel has starring role in H.R.648, “Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2019”

As Congress tackles urgent issues of reopening government and setting the budget for the country, it takes the time to prioritize a foreign country: H.R.648 contains assurances that Israel will receive $3.8 billion for arms, and funding for refugee resettlement; the bill also includes threats to de-fund the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and any future state of Palestine–if US demands (dictated by the Israel lobby) are not met.