A quarter of Jewish voters polled by the Jewish Electorate Institute said they believed Israel is an apartheid state. This number rises to 38% for voters under 40.
Search Results for: apartheid
Opinion: Israel uses apartheid to exclude Palestinians. When will Washington face that?
H.A. Hellyer of the Carnegie Foundation calls on the American government to stop acting like Israel isn’t practicing full-blown apartheid, and start focusing on Palestinian human rights. Our leaders need to get aligned with their constituents, who are more willing than ever to be critical of Israel.
Another major human rights org reports: “apartheid” in Israel
Just a few months after Israeli human rights org B’Tselem released its bombshell report calling Israel an apartheid state, another major group reaches the same conclusion – adding “persecution” to the charge of apartheid. A 200+ page report details Human Rights Watch’s findings.
To Jews, from a rabbi raised in South Africa: “tell the truth – Israel is apartheid”
A rabbi with South African roots recalls the moment he realized that Israel’s system is “apartheid.” He describes his struggle to release his idealistic view of the Jewish State, and encourages Jews to practice “moral clarity” regarding Israel – without which it is impossible to find a way forward.
Human rights org B’Tselem defies Israeli orders to stop teaching about apartheid
“The Israeli government will have to contend with us until the apartheid regime ends,” B’Tselem’s director Hagai El-Ad tweeted after defying a ban put in place by Israel’s Education Minister that sought to prevent human rights groups from entering public schools.
Media bias: CNN and NPR are afraid to say “Apartheid” out loud
As is standard practice in American mainstream media, CNN and NPR buried a major story critical of Israel so deep, it’s almost like it never happened.
This is apartheid: Jewish supremacy from the River to the Sea
B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories – believes that “apartheid” is the only word to describe the accumulation of policies and laws in Israel devised to entrench control over Palestinians.
The COVID-19 vaccine: another ugly face of Israeli apartheid
The apartheid system under which Israel operates inside the occupied territory could not be better displayed than in the case of the COVID-19 vaccine — who gets the vaccine, and who doesn’t, is a simple matter of nationality.
In fact, Israel could vaccinate its entire population before Palestinians receive a single dose.
Leaked ADL Memo: Figuring out how to defend Israeli apartheid
The leaked ADL memo illustrates the position in which some establishment Jewish groups now find themselves. The ADL appears to recognize that annexation would violate Palestinians’ basic human rights, enforcing a codified regime of nationality-based discrimination subjugation—and that, as a group ostensibly concerned with civil rights, this is in tension with its stated values…
Experts: Israeli System Constitutes Apartheid, Crime against Humanity
Professors Richard Falk and Virginia Tilley provide detailed reports confirming that Israel is perpetrating “apartheid,” a crime against humanity. Those desiring peace must abandon an illusory “two-state solution” with its focus on the occupation, and instead address the fundamental obstacle to peace: Israel’s racist system. The papers were presented at the launch of a new international network, The 1st Global Conference on Israeli Apartheid. (Includes videos of their speeches)