Search Results for: prisoners

Israeli forces kill one, injure 95, attack doctors, nurses, for Nat’l Garden

Israeli soldiers have killed 1, injured over 95, abducted at least 30 in ongoing invasions since Thursday in East Jerusalem; also imposed sanctions and collective punishment measures against the residents; invaded & ransacked dozens of homes, hospitals and clinics, assaulting physicians, nurses, patients… Part of Israel’s effort to displace Palestinians to create a new “National Garden” in the area…

Julian Assange exposed the crimes of powerful actors, including Israel

Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange is incarcerated in a UK prison that has been called “Britain’s Guantanamo.” His crime was exposing actions the US government, the media, the Democratic–Clinton machine, Israel, and others wanted kept hidden, including war crimes and torture. 

Israel’s policy of constant adversity

Every day of the year, the International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC) reports on incidents that Palestinians endure. It isn’t hard to detect patterns: home demolitions, land confiscation, abduction, and mistreatment of political prisoners are daily occurrences. Below are just some of the accounts reported by IMEMC for April 10, 2019. Each includes background information on the issue and part of the article.

Detailed U.N. Report on Israeli Occupation of Golan Heights

Israel “destroyed 244 villages and built-up areas in the Golan and expelled their population, sparing only five villages (Majdal Shams, Buq’ata, Ain Qunya, Mas’ada and al-Ghajar). Not even places of worship, schools and health centres escaped destruction. The underlying aim of the occupation authorities was to eliminate Arab landmarks and obliterate the Arab identity of the Golan, as a result of which anyone who visits the Golan today is able to identify the locations of the former Arab villages only from their ruins…”

Testimonies from some of the 8,000 Palestinian children Israel has imprisoned

Addameer reports that since the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory in 1967, more than 800,000 Palestinians have been detained under Israeli military orders–approximately 20 percent of the total Palestinian population in the oPt and as much as 40 percent of the total male Palestinian population… 8,000 Palestinian children have been arrested since 2000. Boys and young men are seized in the dead of night, blindfolded and cuffed, abused and manipulated to confess to crimes they didn’t commit. Every year Israel arrests almost 1,000 Palestinian youngsters, some of them not yet 13.