Tags: Israel

Sheldon Adelson keeps casinos open despite coronavirus danger

While other major Las Vegas casinos are following health recommendations that they close to protect employees and the public from the coronavirus pandemic, Sheldon Adelson is keeping his casinos open. Adelson’s profits are often used to promote pro-Israel policies through millions of dollars of donations to political candidates.

SEC Sues Israelis Tied to International Insider Trading Ring

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission sued two Israeli citizens linked to a sprawling international insider-trading ring. Tomer Feingold, 40, and Dov Malnik, 42, were accused in a suit filed Tuesday in Manhattan federal court of using tips on planned health care mergers to make more than $4 million in illegal profits…

I’ve taught at six Jewish day schools. They’re preaching dual loyalty to Israel.

I’ve heard teachers or administrators say at assemblies things like “you don’t belong in America,” “Israel is your country” and “the IDF are your soldiers… HaTikvah was sung more often than the Pledge of Allegiance or the Star Spangled Banner. Israeli national holidays are taught with a reverence that outstrips what is accorded to religious or American ones…

No Accident: Israel Targets Gazan Protestors’ Eyes

Israeli snipers targeting participants in Gaza’s weekly Great Return March protests have aimed for the legs—and eyes. To date, Gaza’s Ministry of Health reports that 50 protesters have been shot in the eye since the demonstrations began March 30, 2018—leaving them permanently blind.

The Soleimani Assassination: The US is now at war with Iran

The assassination of Iranian Quds Force Commander General Qassem Soleimani will shift the long-simmering conflict between the two nations into high, dangerous gear. The blood of the Americans, Iranians and Iraqis who will die in the next few weeks is clearly on Donald Trump’s hands as this war was never inevitable and served no U.S. national interest… Israel and the neocons cheer the assassination…

‘Blinding the truth’: Israeli snipers target Gaza protesters in the eyes

Eyes are a ‘common target’ of Israeli snipers at Gaza’s Great March of Return. Israeli soldiers have shot 50 men, women, & children in the eye since the weekly demonstrations began last year… one young victim locked himself in his room & wouldn’t go to school…

Watch this 2-minute video about some of the Israeli violations of human rights that took place Oct 3-9, 2019, and see the full list of Israeli abuses against Palestinians that week.

Facebook COO pledges .5 mill to Israel advocacy group, brushing off Palestinian complaints of censorship

In the midst of a campaign by Palestinian journalists accusing Facebook of suppressing their content, Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl Sandberg, has pledged $2.5 million to the ADL, an organization that devotes much of its work to Israel advocacy…