Israeli soldiers shot a Palestinian teen in the heart, attacked school children in Bethlehem, attacked fishermen in Gaza, abducted a mayor, children, and others, demolished homes, etc in the past day and a half…
Tags: Gaza
No Accident: Israel Targets Gazan Protestors’ Eyes
Israeli snipers targeting participants in Gaza’s weekly Great Return March protests have aimed for the legs—and eyes. To date, Gaza’s Ministry of Health reports that 50 protesters have been shot in the eye since the demonstrations began March 30, 2018—leaving them permanently blind.
Israel is systematically poisoning one million Palestinian children
Gaza has become “uninhabitable,” not because of ecological disaster or Palestinian poor stewardship of the land, but because Israel chooses to destroy it by every means – poisoning, starvation, disease, poverty, medical neglect, and invasion – while the world stands silent.
‘Blinding the truth’: Israeli snipers target Gaza protesters in the eyes
Eyes are a ‘common target’ of Israeli snipers at Gaza’s Great March of Return. Israeli soldiers have shot 50 men, women, & children in the eye since the weekly demonstrations began last year… one young victim locked himself in his room & wouldn’t go to school…
Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (December 19-25, 2019)
While most American were celebrating Christmas, this is what Israel was doing. US politicians give Israel over $10 million per day. Read the detailed report…
Gazan Girl Fights Cancer Alone at West Bank Hospital – Israel Won’t Let Her Parents Join her
A 10-year-old Palestinian girl suffering from leukemia is undergoing chemotherapy in a Nablus hospital by herself, because Israel won’t allow her parents out of Gaza to be with her. And she’s not the only patient in that situation. Read the facts & contact Congress…
No season of goodwill for Christians in the blockaded Gaza Strip
Israel announces it will not allow Gaza’s Christians to visit Bethlehem and Jerusalem to celebrate Christmas this year
Another typical week in the Palestinian territories…
News from the Palestinian Territories, Dec. 7-14, 2019… a typical week… Israeli forces attack, demolish, abduct, etc – news reports from IMEMC (almost none of this is reported in US media…
First Person: attack on Gaza
“They’re going to Gaza. It’s an airstrike,” our guide explained as we watched five Israeli warplanes fly overhead.
Gideon Levy: Israel’s massacre of family is a war crime
Had the IDF wanted to, it could have known exactly who was inside the shack it targeted in Gaza. But it didn’t care, and now a little girl is left alone in the world.