Tags: Bethlehem

Defense for Children Int’l: Palestinian children face unrelenting genocide – Day 440

Gazan infant dies of cold; Defense For Children Int’l presents end of year Palestine report; Pope Francis has strong words for Israel; UNRWA head’s op-ed; Israel violates another int’l law; Israel’s torture victims speak out; West Bank death; Christmas in Bethlehem; Americans stuck in Gaza; “The Bibi Files”: documentary film tells all

“All we do is count bodies” – Day 61

Worsening humanitarian disaster, bombing of northern Gaza approaching scale of WWII, Israel bombs 800-year-old mosque, UN chief hits “panic button,” more guns in Israeli civilian hands, West Bank struggles, US fails to acknowledge Israel’s baby abandonment a “war crime”, another exposé on Israel’s atrocity claims

Updated: Terrified by Israeli soldiers, 7-year-old Palestinian child died of heart attack

Rayyan collapsed and died when Israeli soldiers chased him, raided his home and accused him of stone-throwing. Israeli soldiers have killed 35 Palestinian children since the beginning of this year; no Israeli children have been killed. The U.S. and EU are calling for an investigation of the latest death…

Israeli Forces Kill Palestinian Child near Bethlehem

Invading Israeli forces used lethal force yet again, this time opening fire on a group of boys who were throwing stones, and killing Zaid Mohammad Ghneim. (The day before, Israeli forces had shot dead a 16-year-old in Nablus, and a few days before that, Israeli forces had killed a 16-year-old in Jenin.)

What Israel is doing against Bethlehem today…

While millions of Americans have been celebrating Christmas, Israeli forces have been attacking men, women, & children in the Bethlehem region, where shepherds are said to have received a profoundly wondrous message: “Peace on earth, goodwill to men”… Defense for Children reports: “Israeli forces targeted Palestinian children with excessive force making 2021 the deadliest year for Palestinian children since 2014.” (videos)