Israeli airstrikes have killed at least 20 Palestinians in Gaza today, the violence coming on the heels of a crackdown on Jerusalem’s Palestinians in which hundreds have been hospitalized.
Search Results for: shihadah
Another case of “vast fraud” in Israel’s ever-shady binary options industry
The SEC says Israel’s SpotOption binary operations company – subsidized by Israel – defrauded US investors out of at least $100 million… worldwide, the number runs into the billions…
Easter for us, but Palestinians are still in Gethsemane
Dear Christians, let us never forget that the root of our faith is in Palestine, a real place that faces real suffering. Here is a glimpse of one family’s Gethsemane, and a call to stay awake.
Even with ICC investigation looming, Israel refuses to behave itself
Even though Israel is about to go under the microscope of the International Criminal Court, it continues to defy international law by abusing the human rights of Palestinians. Why? We want to hear your theories.
Pro-Israel think tank wants Progressives to adopt “Progressive Except Palestine”
In a moment when support for Israel is slipping a bit in Congress, this Israel-right-or-wrong group proposes a new category of antisemitism in hopes of persuading Progressives to alter their agenda to accommodate pro-Israel Jewish Americans. It’s called “Progressive Except Palestine.”
Israeli forces shoot dead another Palestinian demonstrator
Israeli troops shot a Palestinian protester in the head in the West Bank on Friday during a demonstration against Israel’s confiscation of village land – contains video.
Booby-trapped Israeli drones killed 3 Gaza fishermen, probe finds
An explosive Israeli drone, caught in Gazan fishermen’s net, proves it once again: “fishing while Palestinian” can be lethal.
Israel’s pattern of broken vaccine promises to Palestinians – is it genocide?
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Israel’s government has occasionally committed to helping to the Palestinians under its occupation – but consistently failed to follow through. Could this be considered genocide?
Israel’s Covid response is a “moral failure” – WHO
While Israel boasts of its great Covid vaccine rollout, it keeps making very public, deliberate decisions to snub Palestinians, even though it’s legally responsible for their welfare. Can the world keep ignoring such delinquency?
Dr. Fauci: use Israeli prize money to buy vaccines for Palestinians
If Dr. Anthony Fauci still plans to accept the Dan David Prize from Israel after he knows the facts, he may want to use the award money to buy vaccines for the people of Palestine.