During Israel’s 2014 onslaught against Gaza, Israel had said ‘jump,’ and Obama and Biden had jumped – to the tune of a quarter of a billion dollars of US taxpayers’ money.
Search Results for: lobby list
Establishment Jewish groups’ faux support for anti-racism
Many Jewish groups in America are sending mixed signals: YES, we want to see an end to injustice for Black Americans; NO, we do not want to see the same for Palestinians.
The arms race between Dems and GOP for pro-Israel donors
Biden needs money to mount a strong challenge to Trump, and the organized Jewish community is regarded as very pro-Israel & the largest repository of money in the Democratic Party, the source of half or more of large donations. See detailed information on what is driving politicians’ stances on Israel-Palestine since Truman through today…
While US is in crisis, Congress posts 68 bills (and counting) for Israel
In the chaos that is the US – with coronavirus, racial tension, deep divisions, highly contested elections – Israel continues to hold sway over Capitol Hill. Congress members toil unwaveringly to win plenty of military aid money and special treats for the Jewish State, churning out 68 items on Israel.
Minn cops trained by Israeli police, who often use knee-on-neck restraint
Over 100 Minnesota law enforcement officers attended a 2012 conference organized by the Israeli consulate in which Israeli police trained them. Israeli forces often use the knee-on-neck restraint, and worse, on Palestinians.. Meanwhile, Congress is poised to pass a bipartisan package of $38 billion to Israel…
Giraldi: bowdlerizing language on behalf of Israel
Philip Giraldi: In the United States there has been a concerted effort to equate any criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism while simultaneously making anti-Semitism a hate crime and thereby converting what one might perceive as exercise of a First Amendment right into a felony. Language itself is being manipulated and suppressed…
What’s in S.3176, the goodies-for-Israel bill slinking through Congress?
In the middle of coronavirus financial devastation to Americans, Congress is poised to pass a 10-year package obligating American taxpayers to give Israel $38 billion – and US media aren’t even telling Americans about it. Read the details of what the bill contains. It’s only a few steps away from passage, unless voters object – contains action alert to contact Congress…
Senate Committee slips through $38 billion package to Israel
The Foreign Relations Committee passed a bill yesterday to give Israel a minimum of $38 billion over the next ten years, despite current devastation to the US economy. The bill was passed in a meeting closed to Senate live-streaming, in a voice vote on a group of 15 items, without any discussion or debate of the largest such package in US history, and without its title even being said… Now the bill goes to the full Senate. (contains video of mtg)
Israel threatens to shut down new TV channel for preaching ‘gospel of Jesus’
Alison Weir reports: Israel has a long history of actions against its Christian minority. Israeli forces have desecrated churches, rabbis have endorsed killing non-Jewish civilians (including children), New Testaments have been burned, Christian land has been confiscated for Jewish-only habitation. Like Muslims, Christians have been persecuted by Israel ever since it was established in 1948…
Israel’s War Crimes Have Killed Americans
Philip Giraldi: The tale of the Liberty demonstrates that even fifty-three years ago the United States government was betraying its own people out of deference to Jewish power and to the state of Israel.