Search Results for: gideon levy

UAE deal shows: world leaders see Israel lobby as a gatekeeper in Washington

The United Arab Emirates is seeking more support from the United States, and it believes it must go through Israel to get it. Other nations also understand the power of the Israel lobby in the US… Egypt, India, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Honduras, Qatar, Tunisia, Congo, Venezuela… Obama himself acknowledged the lobby’s gatekeeper role when he reached out to Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in order to hire Hillary Clinton as secretary of state… So in his most important appointment, Obama needed to show ‘credibility’ with the Israeli government and its lobby…

The oligarch behind today’s World Holocaust Forum attended by presidents and kings

By Alison Weir: At least 45 world leaders have responded to a summons to attend the World Holocaust Forum in Israel to “fight antisemitism.” The event is organized by a Russian-Israeli oligarch who considers support for Palestinian human rights “antisemitic.” He is promoting an Orwellian program that would criminalize “intolerance” and require re-education programs for anyone who strays beyond accepted views…

Palestine in the 2020 elections: a look at Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren

Overall, Bernie Sanders has taken the boldest stand for Palestinian human rights, but has pulled back to “safe” positions more than once; Elizabeth Warren has a history of support for Israel despite its long, systemic record of human rights abuses, but seems willing to respond to pressure from voters. Neither has advocated for full Palestinian rights and justice. See a detailed report on Sanders’ and Warrens’ position on Palestine…

Tuesday was a very bad day for Palestinians, but so is every other day

The events of December 4, 2018 in the occupied Palestinian territories would startle most of the world, but US mainstream US media won’t report them: a grieving father is unable to get Israel to take responsibility for just 4 of the 1,400 deaths from Operation Cast Lead; an Israeli arms testing facility is about to move in on Bedouin land; a mentally disabled man is killed; 24 Palestinians are abducted; and 5 buildings (and livelihoods of 5 families) are demolished.