Search Results for: war crime

Israel May Block Coronavirus Respirators, Aid, to Gaza

Israel’s Defence Minister threatened that Israel might not allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, until the release of Israeli soldiers, or their remains, captured by the Palestinian resistance. Linking the issue of Israeli soldiers to the issue of urgent humanitarian needs for the Gaza Strip to fight against the coronavirus is deceptive and unconscionable…

Trump, Obama proclaimed national day honoring racist rabbi, Menachem Schneerson

President Trump recently proclaimed April 3rd “Education Day,” in honor of a man known as “The Rebbe.” Such a day has been proclaimed by every President for the past 42 years. But the rabbi that this national day celebrates disseminated some teachings that were profoundly problematic, especially for Palestinians in the Occupied Territories… for example, that non-Jews were “created to serve the Jews.”

Super PAC is backing pro-Israel Democrats for House races

The PAC’s biggest donor is Stacy Schusterman, who has donated $1 million this election cycle and is also a national council member of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The second largest donor is Gary Mark Lauder, who also has links to AIPAC. His uncle is president of the World Jewish Congress. After spending $1.4 million on ads opposing Bernie Sanders, the PAC is now focusing on Congressional races…

Trump-Kushner “Peace” Plan ignores elephants in the room: Israel created this mess

The Trump-Kushner “Peace” Plan is slick and businesslike, with an aura of objectivity and balance – but it is exactly the opposite, and something about it stinks. See this detailed, thorougly cited analysis…

3,000 teens attending BBYO Convention that propagandizes them on Israel

The international convention of the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization meeting in Dallas this year provides fun, bonding, high-energy music… & propaganda for Israel. BBYO teaches thousands of young people how to advocate for Israel, and takes them on filtered trips to Israel that leave out Israeli human rights abuses, violence, and systemic discrimination…

Assassins from FBI-designated terrorist group live untouched on Israeli settlement

Riveting story of pro-Israel extremists whose 1985 terror bombing killed a Palestinian peace activist in California. Despite compelling evidence of their guilt – and their organization being identified as illegal in Israel – the Jewish State has harbored them while they live openly on an Israeli settlement.

No Accident: Israel Targets Gazan Protestors’ Eyes

Israeli snipers targeting participants in Gaza’s weekly Great Return March protests have aimed for the legs—and eyes. To date, Gaza’s Ministry of Health reports that 50 protesters have been shot in the eye since the demonstrations began March 30, 2018—leaving them permanently blind.

American Zionists choose lies over children

A bill before Congress seeks merely to stop US aid dollars from subsidizing the incarceration and torture of Palestinian children. Pro-Israel organizations would rather believe outrageous fallacies than stand up for these kids’ rights.