Search Results for: adelson

FAIR: The NYT’s Pro-War Arguments Against War With Iran

New York Times recent editorials make it sound as if the war looming between the US and Iran is equally the fault of both countries, or of some inexplicable, inevitable force, rather than the result of US actions. This framing hides US governmental responsibility, and makes it harder for the public to judge intelligently where to place blame.

Iran’s Zarif drives Trump to insanity

Iran’s smart and articulate Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, has been sanctioned by President Trump to silence the Iranian narrative in the US before the 2020 election. Iran is winning the information war, and Trump is running scared. By imposing sanctions on Zarif, US can deny visa to him and render unlawful (and liable to prosecution under law) any contact between him and any American national. Effectively, Trump instructed Pompeo to make sure that Zarif doesn’t come to New York between now and the 2020 November election so that his detractors and critics cannot hear from the horse’s mouth the Iranian narrative….

View the Frontline Documentary on Gaza that PBS pulled

PBS stations around the US were scheduled to show a riveting new Frontline documentary, “One Day in Gaza,” but at the last minute the plug was pulled. While significant context is missing, the film includes clips important for Americans to see – including a young, unarmed teen being shot in her head. BBC, the coproducer of the film, broadcast it to British viewers. We are posting it below so that Americans can also view it.

Israel behind Pretexts for an Attack on Iran

Ray McGovern probes the step-up in U.S. belligerence towards Iran – a country posing the same non-existent strategic threat as Iraq. 

Thanks to “dubious intelligence” from Israel – which wants nothing more than for its neighbors to be busy for the indefinite future – Trump officials have been thinking hard about entering, or even provoking, a war with Iran.