Tags: settler violence

A chronicle of Israeli actions against Palestinians in 2021

Israel has outdone itself in 2021 – destroying large swaths of Gaza, shooting to kill Palestinian protesters, endangering Palestinian children, and more. Here is a rundown of the year’s violence, covered by numerous IAK posts – with hopes that together, we can work to bring justice and peace in 2022.

Shackled, Beaten, Strung Up on a Tree: Palestinian Teen Brutally Attacked by Settlers

Fifteen-year-old Tareq Zubeidi, a victim of settler violence this week. The settlers kicked him, he says, as he lay on the ground, then placed him on the hood of the car, lashing him to it with a chain. At the supposedly evacuated settlement of Homesh last week, a Palestinian teen was seized by settlers and…

A Palestinian photographs a trespassing Israeli settler, gets his skull fractured

Settler violence in the Palestinian West Bank: Said Awwad has filed three trespassing complaints this year, but the police asked him to ‘bring proof.’ When he tried to take a picture of men intruding on his land – settlers he knew by name from the nearby outpost – they attacked him, his wife and their children ages 1 to 15.