News outlets are reporting on Israel’s Monday attack on the Palestinian city of Jenin, but no one has been talking about the consistent shedding of Palestinian blood since the attack on Gaza in May.
Tags: Jenin
Thursday-Friday: Israeli forces kill 5 Palestinians
Two articles describe how Israeli troops have killed 5 more Palestinians, one a youth riding his bicycle, another executed although he was unconscious and posed no threat. 12 others were shot; some are in serious condition. Israel has been responsible for the deaths of 89 Palestinians since the beginning of this year, including 17 children and one woman.
Israeli Forces Kill 3 Palestinians, a Palestinian Youth Dies of Injuries
Israeli special forces killed three Palestinians at point-blank range, while a 14-year-old Palestinian died after he was shot on Tuesday. Israeli forces and settlers have killed 78 Palestinians since the start of 2023, including 14 children and a woman.
Israeli forces kill 6 Palestinians in Jenin raid, more settler violence
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken calls for “both sides” to de-escalate tensions in the Palestinian West Bank. Since the start of the year, Israeli forces have killed 72 Palestinians; 12 Israelis have also been killed.
Major Israeli raid on Palestinian city kills 9, tear gas pediatric ward
The Palestinian death toll in 2023 has risen to 28 after the latest Israeli attack on the city of Jenin. After shooting Palestinians, Israeli soldiers (as usual) blocked ambulances from tending to the injured, as well as firing tear gas at the pediatric ward of a nearby hospital.
Israeli forces gun down Palestinian father & 2 others, another dies of wounds
Fifteen days into 2023, thirteen Palestinians have been killed by Israel. The latest victim, Ahmad Kahala, was shot Sunday at point-blank range, and medics were blocked from saving his life.
Saturday, Israeli soldiers killed two Palestinians, Ezzeddin Hamamra, 24, and Amjad Khaliliyya, 23; the same day, Yazan Ja’bari, 19, died from wounds inflicted by Israeli soldiers earlier this month.
Israel has one of the most powerful armies in the world.
Palestinian, 19, Dies From Wounds Suffered in Jenin
Yazan Samer Jabari’s death brings the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli army fire in the first fourteen days of 2023, to ten, including three minors.
2 more deaths: Israeli sniper shoots girl, 16, in head; 59-yr-old dies from wounds
An Israeli sniper shot a Palestinian teenage girl in the head during a raid of a Palestinian city; a Palestinian man died of injuries suffered in Gaza last August when Israel bombed his neighborhood.
Invading Israeli soldiers kill another teen In Jenin
On Monday morning, Israeli soldiers invaded Jenin, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank, and shot five Palestinians, killing one of them: Abdul-Jalil Sa’adi, 18. The soldiers fired live rounds at an ambulance and prevented journalists from driving to the invaded area
12-year-old dies from injuries after Israeli soldier shot him Sept 28 in Jenin
Mahmoud Sammoudi, 12, from Al-Yamoun town, west of Jenin, succumbed to wounds inflicted by Israeli soldiers who had invaded the West Bank, killing four others outright and injuring 40. Israeli forces have killed 120 Palestinians in the past six months, while 9 Israelis have also died.