In this frank, and frankly courageous piece, Philip Weiss lays bare the agenda of the Israel lobby and how it has manipulated the American Jewish community and the US government for decades. But, he predicts, the lobby is dying, and in its wake, peace is achievable.
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Michael Bloomberg’s Israel connection runs deep
The Democratic Party’s newest candidate, Michael Bloomberg, has deep ties to Israel and apparently no time for justice for Palestinians; his media empire has also pushed a pro-Israel agenda.
World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel
Dozens of Secret Service agents gathered to protect billionaires, politicians, global influencers, & diverse glitterati at the 2019 gala for the World Jewish Congress… there were oligarchs from Russia, ambassadors from the Ukraine, & dozens of inner circle investors. The Theodor Herzl Award was presented to Niki Hayley; previous awards went to the Rothschilds, Joe Biden, & Henry Kissinger… all there to support Israeli oppression of Palestinians
Watch what you say: Israel controls the narrative
The Israel Lobby has America so well-trained that everyone self-censors: mainstream media, think tanks, politicians (of course), universities, courts, even K-12 curriculum editors play by the rules.
Facebook COO pledges $2.5 mill to Israel advocacy group, brushing off Palestinian complaints of censorship
In the midst of a campaign by Palestinian journalists accusing Facebook of suppressing their content, Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl Sandberg, has pledged $2.5 million to the ADL, an organization that devotes much of its work to Israel advocacy…
Dem candidates mostly turn a blind eye to Israeli atrocities and Palestinian rights
On the critical issue of Israel/Palestine, Democratic presidential hopefuls reveal a strong pro-Israel leaning that does not match the sentiments of a huge swath of Democratic voters.
Israeli Violence Continues, Ending September With Abductions, Demolitions, and Raids
September, Week 4 2019: Israeli violence continues with NGO raids, demolitions, abductions (86), holding corpses hostage, spoiling Palestinian’s vaccines, medicines, and repeated invasions of holy sites.
Will pro-Israel rabbi heading top theology center change its direction?
Rabbi Daniel Lehmann, with a history of advocating for Israel despite its many human rights abuses, is about to be inaugurated president of the ‘most comprehensive center for the graduate study of religion in North America’ – a ‘mostly-Christian’ center with a focus on peace and justice. Lehmann has already opposed a prominent Muslim professor and aired misgivings about America’s first Muslim college, located right across the street… Rabbi Lehmann is known for his fundraising ability.
#IStandWithAlisonWeir is trending as the Twittersphere supports justice and free speech
With over 1 million impressions as of Sunday evening, it’s clear that Twitter users are not buying the smear campaign peddled by ADL and other international orgs bent on silencing pro-Palestinian, pro-justice voices, like Alison Weir.
In Israel, religious extremism is pervasive, unchecked
In Israel, religious extremism has gone unchecked in the educational establishment, in top levels of government, and among prominent religious leaders – radicalizing a growing number of Israeli youth and endangering Palestinians.