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Search Results for: child
Mondoweiss: Synagogues celebrate Jewish festival of… AIPAC!
Phil Weiss reports in Mondoweiss that numerous synagogues around the US not only publicly support Israel, they support the Israel lobbying organization AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The promotion of AIPAC shows how monolithic the American Jewish community largely still is in support of Israel…
Just another Manic Monday in the West Bank
Ever have one of those days? In the Occupied Palestinian Territories, you never know whether your house, or your car, or your family members will be there when the day is done.
NY State Senator Jeff Klein, you have some ‘splaining to do
NY State Senator Jeff Klein seems torn between two viewpoints: one says “all people are created equal, with certain unalienable rights – life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The other, incompatible with the first: “Israel, right or wrong.”
Israeli Racism – Legalized and Running Rampant
Israel’s new Nation State Law, just over 1 month old, has emboldened right-wing Israelis and removed all protection from Palestinians living in Israel. Laws forbid them from growing or selling certain crops, picking certain herbs, and applying for many jobs; besides this, many factories are closing or moving to Jordan. It is clear that institutional racism is no longer in the shadows, and Israel wants Palestinians to leave.
Netanyahu issues veiled threat of nuclear attack against its “many enemies”
Netanyahu used a visit to an Israeli atomic reactor to warn Iran and others that Israel has the means to destroy them. “Our enemies know very well what Israel is capable of doing.” He said that the weak are slaughtered and erased from history…
2 stories of the 1st day of school in the Palestinian Territories
300 children in Israeli prisons are not in school so far this year. At least one school – in Hebron – was demolished, and its furniture confiscated several weeks ago, but classes started anyway. Education is a basic human right.
Ha’aretz: What Happens at Israel’s Border Crossings Is Calculated Humiliation
Amira Hass writes in Ha’aretz that humiliation in the guise of “security questioning” has been the norm for many non-Jews at the crossings for years…
Trump is willing starve Palestinians into compliance with his Deal of the Century
Palestinians have always had just 3 wishes: a capital someday in Jerusalem, a return to the 1967 borders, and the Right of Return. Between Trump and Israel, there’s nothing left to even dream of: the barest minimum is disappearing – food, medicine, the title of “refugee.”
Time for media to tell Americans about the bills in Congress to give Israel $38 billion
Congress is currently considering legislation to give Israel a total of $38 billion over 10 years, the largest such aid package in U.S. history. Yet, U.S. media are not telling Americans about the legislation, which is before Congress right now…