Activist Sami Huraini, 23, is one of the coordinators of a West Bank youth group engaged in weekly demonstrations. His family history of nonviolent protest has yielded some unlikely victories.
Search Results for: child
Thanks to the US, the Israeli Military Shot My Cousin, Harun Abu Aram
Americans, if you think the Palestinian issue is unrelated to you, think again: Israeli violence is being perpetrated in your name, with money that should be spent to make your lives better.
Report finds Israeli checkpoint killing of Palestinian Ahmad Erekat was an execution
London-based group says video evidence casts doubt on claims Ahmad Erekat was conducting an attack on the day of his sister’s wedding last June when Israeli police gunned him down. It’s what his family has said all along.
Headlines from Israel-Palestine: new week, same old violence
Israel’s incessant human rights abuses against Palestinians included last week: abductions, violence, home demolition and invasion, and more. Mainstream media won’t tell these stories.
Israel’s Covid response is a “moral failure” – WHO
While Israel boasts of its great Covid vaccine rollout, it keeps making very public, deliberate decisions to snub Palestinians, even though it’s legally responsible for their welfare. Can the world keep ignoring such delinquency?
Gaza Memorial Playground In Mary Hughes Thompson’s Name
Mary Hughes Thompson, 87, died on February 5, 2021, in Los Angeles, California. Mary was one of the founders of the flotilla movement, and was dedicated to justice in Palestine… see plans to build a playground in Gaza in her honor, tributes from around the world, and two videos about her….
Dr. Fauci: use Israeli prize money to buy vaccines for Palestinians
If Dr. Anthony Fauci still plans to accept the Dan David Prize from Israel after he knows the facts, he may want to use the award money to buy vaccines for the people of Palestine.
Grandmother dies of heart attack after Israeli soldiers storm her home
After Israeli soldiers violently broke into a Palestinian woman’s home, causing anxiety and damage, a woman suffered a heart attack and died. Such home invasions occur on a daily basis, and are in violation of international law.
To Jews, from a rabbi raised in South Africa: “tell the truth – Israel is apartheid”
A rabbi with South African roots recalls the moment he realized that Israel’s system is “apartheid.” He describes his struggle to release his idealistic view of the Jewish State, and encourages Jews to practice “moral clarity” regarding Israel – without which it is impossible to find a way forward.
Israelis, In God’s Name, Why?
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Israeli military oversaw and orchestrated the obliteration of over 10,000 trees in Occupied Palestine… Israel has been uprooting olive Palestinian orchards since 1948, including over one million trees since 1967 alone… Kamala Harris needs to know that Israel’s vaunted ‘tree planting’ is a fraud…