Search Results for: Return March

Israeli communities near Gaza are on stolen land, former owners consigned to the Gaza ghetto

The Israeli kibbutz settlements surrounding Gaza are built on stolen land. 80% of Gaza’s population are families Israel violently expelled, caged in one small corner of their original lands for 75 years. Residents of these Israeli towns have been able to prosper, swim in pools, dance, sing & celebrate “unity and love” just a few kilometers away from where over 2.1 million people live, usurped from their lands, subjugated to daily humiliation, purposely impoverished and caged in, unable to move, live, fish in the sea, and certainly unable to celebrate “unity and love.”

Palestinian-American child killed in Illinois: this is what media reports left out

The killing of a Palestinian-American boy on Friday was neither a random occurrence nor a simple act of Islamophobia. It happened because many media reports misinformed Americans, and politicians, including the President, repeated Israeli spin and disinformation

National Review article misinforms readers on Israel

A detailed annotation of the errors and omissions that mislead readers on a profoundly important issue…including little-known information about Presidents Eisenhower, Reagan, and Bush Sr., who each had moments of clarity on this issue, and called out Israel for its abuses.