Search Results for: GREAT MARCH

My grandfather Nelson Mandela fought apartheid. I see the parallels with Israel

While my country has long been free from racist minority rule, the world is not yet free of the crime of apartheid. I see the eerie similarities between Israel’s racial laws and policies towards Palestinians, and the architecture of apartheid in South Africa. We South Africans know apartheid when we see it. In fact, many recognise that, in some respects, Israel’s regime of oppression is even worse.

Trump is willing starve Palestinians into compliance with his Deal of the Century

Palestinians have always had just 3 wishes: a capital someday in Jerusalem, a return to the 1967 borders, and the Right of Return. Between Trump and Israel, there’s nothing left to even dream of: the barest minimum is disappearing – food, medicine, the title of “refugee.”

The luxury of evacuation: a form of Jewish privilege based on the myth of Israeli vulnerability, while Gazans suffer and die

Evacuation is another form of Jewish Israeli privilege, based on the myth of vulnerability (Israel’s borders are secure) and existential threat (Israel has one of the most powerful armies in the world, and is in no danger of annihilation). 

Gunshot Gaza: hospitals struggle to treat surge in firearms injuries

Medical work in Gaza is impeded by the unmanageable number of wounded, the complex injuries that will require multiple follow-up procedures, and the shortage of supplies. Add to that the difficulty in getting permission for patients to seek medical attention outside the country – it adds up to an impossible situation.

International Criminal Court Reaches Out to Palestinian Victims as War Crimes Case Enters Pre-Trial Phase

The ICC is set to begin pre-trial actions for Israeli crimes committed in the occupied Palestinian territories since June 13, 2014. But the presiding judge has already ruled once in favor of Israel… is the fix in?
It’s odd that no US media outlets have reported on this major legal development… An Israeli news report said that if a formal investigation commenced it would be “a dramatic step which would impact Israel’s status in the international community.”