FBI refuses to discuss detention of American Iranian TV anchor Marzieh Hashemi

The US has jailed prominent Press TV journalist Marzieh Hashemi, an American citizen, apparently as a “material witness”– ‘a charge authorities use when they need a reason to arrest somebody but don’t have one.’ She was visiting family & filming a documentary on Black Lives Matter when she was detained at the St. Louis airport, handcuffed and shackled.

Ha’aretz: Could the FBI Hold 15,000 Israelis Criminally Responsible Over Binary Options?

The FBI, apparently escalating its campaign against the binary options swindle, has arrested four Israeli women. Until 2017, Israel was considered a binary options powerhouse, with some 150-200 companies taking in as much as $5 billion a day. The Israeli firms were known for stinging customers around the world.

A Palestinian musician describes her ordeal at Ben Gurion Airport

Palestinian flutist, composer & singer: I shall go on resisting Israel’s racism and apartheid with my music, and one day I may make a difference in my people’s struggle for liberation. The airport guard, however, will continue to search Palestinians’ underwear, to lie about our laptops, and to be an insignificant tool of a system of racist oppression…

In Three Years, Israeli Military Courts Have Fined Palestinians  Million

Israeli military courts not only have a 99% conviction rate when it comes to Palestinian prisoners, but in many cases they also impose exorbitant fines and unreasonable prison sentences. Last month, one Palestinian was convicted of throwing a stone at security forces from an unknown distance. The stone did not hit anyone and caused no damage. He was sentenced to six months and a day in prison and fined 2,000 shekels (about $500).